So, I have intended to post about this last week, but to be honest, everytime I tried...I had to stop due to all the tears. A week ago today around 8:45pm, a very special angel went to heaven. Her name was Grandma. There are very few people who touch your life in such a way that you know you will never be the same. For me, my Grandma was one of those people. She fought a very courageous battle of lung cancer and I am happy that she is now with our Lord and Savior. Although, I would still give anything to hug her one last time, or have her hold Cade. This post could go on forever with memories, but here are some of my fondest.
1- Every Birthday, I got a card and a McDonald's giftcard. Not to mention she would call and sing "Happy Birthday" to me around 6am.
2- Every letter I ever got from her had a stick of gum in it (complete with my name written on case someone tried to take it!).
3- When a driver passed us speeding, she would say, "Go ahead and just tell them were coming!"
4- We would have to leave excessively early for EVERY event and she would say, "I'd rather be an hour early than a minute too late."
5- We would talk every first day of school, including this last year even though I was on Maternity Leave! So, I have spoken to her for 23 years. When I was going to school, she would say, "This year will make you even smarter!". When I started working in schools, she would say, "This is just one day closer to retirement!"
6- She called me "The Apple of her Eye" ever since I was little. So, when I was 5 I nicknamed her "The Peach of my Heart". These names stuck, and that was still what I called her every time we talked.
7- Finally, my favorite memory was talking to her every Monday morning on my way to work. This was a time we knew we would get to talk for sure, and she always picked up when I called.
Since the tears are really flowing now (I hope the pain of losing her gets easier with time!), I will just leave you with some pictures. She was my role model and I love her still so much.
I am a better person because of you Grandma, and you will always be "The Peach of My Heart".
Grandma and I overlooking where she grew up in Spur, TX

Grandma and I Geocaching

Grandma with her Grandkids at Christmas 2007

Kickin' up her heels!

Christmas Morning 2007

Thanksgiving 2008 with more cousins
Walking in a park in Lubbock, February 2008

"The Peach of my Heart"