No matter what life brings you, nothing is ever sweeter than going "home". This past weekend, we all got to spend it in Round Rock with my side of the family. The weekend was packed as always with fun. We went to Starbucks for breakfast, went shopping (clothes for girls, and the guys went to Academy), took pictures, and also attended my Aunt Nell's wedding! The highlight of the weekend was piling 5 adults and 2 kids into my parents Yukon for a fun drive to DALLAS (3 hours away). Cade slept most of the way, Mackenzie sang to us the entire time, Dad drove WAY TOO FAST, Mom tried to maintain the peace of the children (with Barbie's, Gold fish, and "shhhh"), Charles played on his Blackberry, and let's not forget the hum of a breast pump in the last seat between my sis and I! It was an eventful trip, one to remember...but probably never do again! :)
Cade with his Halloween hat on!
The Fam for breakfast at Starbucks! :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Nana and Papa come to visit
We were so blessed to have my parents come and spoil us for almost a week! We had so much fun shopping, going to the pumpkin patch, eating out, and visiting with family. I thought I would post some of the pics from my favorite events...
Cade at Pumpkin Patch...he does not care for the sun!
Family Pic!
Nana and Papa with Cade...again, Cade HATES the sun!
Uncle Corey Leaves
Charles' brother Corey accepted a major job flying planes for a freight company based out of McAllen, TX. So, of course he accepted this job and we are SO PROUD of him! To be 25 and flying big planes like this is not easy and he has worked really hard...GO COREY! Here is a few pics of when we met at Starbucks to say "Bye"...
Corey and Cade
Gam-ee and Cade
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
2 Month Check-up!
We went today for our 2 month check up at the doctors and to get the infamous shots! We were all a little nervous (Gam-ee came with us!), but we were prepared and took tylenol before hand and had a bottle ready for right after! Overall, he did really well, only crying when he was stuck and was easily calmed after that. Gam-ee however cried in the chair...I have to admit it was kinda funny! Cade was ok, but Gam-ee...not so much. Below are some pics from his check-up. He weighed in at 11lbs, 11oz and was 22 inches long! Just Perfect! We did have a good laugh though when the Doc told us he was really white (duh!) and we should try to get him more Vitamin D daily. So, needless to say we will be exposing him a lil more to the sun or she suggested tri-vi-sol as a daily vitamin to help. Basically my lil darlin is a chunky white boy! :) Nonetheless, perfect in Mommy's eyes!
"Playin" with the Dr
Check out those battle wounds
Getting some yummy food mommy made to make me feel better
All tuckered out!

All tuckered out!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Catching up...
OK, so I have been terrible these last few weeks and have simply not had time to blog. Between illnesses and the normal "new baby" routines, I just haven't blogged! So, while my sweet angel is dreaming in the other room...I will post some catch up pics from the last few weeks. Cade is officially 9 weeks old (HOW CAN THAT BE?!) today and continues to amaze us with his growth and smiles! Enjoy the photos...sorry for the quality of some, they were took with my phone. :)
Takin a nap in the Boppy! Mommy's lil Prince!
Guess what I have learned...Despite Mommy and Daddy trying to stick with the binky!
This pic is better in's called "Cade's Boogie"!

Poster of Charles the district made to promote milk, it's ok to laugh...I did!
Playing so hard, I fell asleep
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