So, as time passes and life keeps passing, the memories pile up. I simply cannot believe Cade is turning 4 months in just a few days. I am continued to be amazed at what joys God has blessed our life with. Here are some catch up pictures to enjoy.
For good times...Cade celebrating with the KHS cheerleaders after the Playoff game victory!

For Friends... A night with the gals for Mommy! We went to see New Moon and then ate at Cheescake Factory! I am so thankful for each one of you!

For Grandma's...The two Grandma's comparing stories from our Baby books! I love looking at our baby books, it reminds me of just how special Cade is. He is growing like his Daddy, but is still his own lil man!

For Extra Breast Milk...Cade is happy and so are we with money savings!

For Family Memories...Thanksgiving 2009

For Play toys...Cade loves anything with noise and lights!

For Christmas coming...Happy Birthday Jesus!

For Santa... who is not really sure what exactly to bring Cade since he has it all!

For good sleep...Daddy's chest is the best!

For Cade's 1st Christmas Ornament...purchased with love by Nana and Papa Parks

Yes, I am aware that I need to actually put a picture of Cade in his ornament, not keep the random photo that came with it! That shall be my next project!
For Cade's Christmas Stocking...Made with love and hours of hardwork by Gam-ee Hall!