I am fully aware that the longer I wait to blog, the harder it gets to catch everyone up on what has happened in our CRAZY HIGH SPEED LIFE! I have said it a dozen times and will say it again, life has definitely only gotten crazier with a lil one! There is no slowing down in our life AT ALL! So, what has happened in the last 2 weeks... Let me attempt to catch you up on a few things!
1- Cade is growing...he has quickly learned the art of cause/effect. Complete with sticking out his tongue at you (my favorite) if you show him yours. It is the best EVER! He also likes peek-a-boo and checking out everything around him. He does not like to be laid down and prefers to be sitting up where he can see all the action! He will even squeal at you if you start to ignore him for even one second! He is now up to 7 ounces every 3 hours and sleeps 8-10 hours a night. We believe he weighs almost 16 pounds, which is double his birth weight! He is simply the happiest baby you could ever imagine. We are so blessed by his love and personality!
2- I can't believe Christmas is over already. Every year I look forward to this time of year as I believe that it is a time of remembrance of our Savior and most importantly a time of reconnection and growth in him. This Christmas took on another meaning with Cade present. The giddy Christmas spirit and magical beliefs came to life once again for us. This was our first Christmas at home, as we usually go to Lubbock. The only thing missing this Christmas was my Grandma. It is so hard for me to realize she is not "just a phone call away" and the pain seems to get worse as it slowly sinks in that she is gone. Even through the pain, it was a Christmas I will never forget, perhaps the best one ever.
We started by celebrating with Charles' family here in Spring, TX on the 22nd. We had a great day of hanging out, talking, EATING, and opening gifts. Of course, Cade was the star of the show and it was a blast to watch him pull off the wrapping paper! His favorite gifts (in my humble opinion) was his cell phone by Uncle Corey and his rocking horse by Gam-ee and Gramp-ee. The cell phone has already saved us quite a few times at resturants! :) Charles' parents decided Charles and I should have a "throw back" Christmas with toys of our own since Cade got toys. It was hillarious! I got a Hug-A-Bunch and Mario Brother PJ's (Don't be jealous everyone, they ROCK! And... I am still the champ of Mario Brothers and will take you DOWN Mendy!). Charles got to play with his He-Man set, including the Castle, PJ's, and matching lunchbox! We had so much fun!
On the 23rd, we went to Round Rock for the week to celebrate Christmas with my parents, Sis, Bro-in-Law Chris and neice Mackenzie (Kennybug). It was a fun week that flew by so fast. The week consisted of shopping, cooking, playing games, lounging around in matching PJ's, eating, more gifts and watching Kennybug play with "Baby Cade". On Christmas Eve as we were leaving to go to church, it snowed for about 15 minutes! I stopped what I was doing and got to run around like a little girl in the snow (OK, flurries) with Kennybug. I loved it! Everyone stayed the night at my parents house on Christmas Eve so that the kids could open gifts from Santa together. Nana and Papa had bought Cade and Kennybug matching PJ's and they were all set for Santa! Christmas morning was even more fun watching Kennybug go through each little gift from Santa. I had no idea Santa was so rich! He did a great job! Even Cade got his gifts and he's only 4 1/2 months old!
3- 2010 is here! We rang in the new year with a group of friends in Conroe, and even woke Cade up at Midnight for hugs and kisses (he was REAL IMPRESSED, NOT!). We had a great dinner together, wine, games, and lots of laughter.
When I look back on 2009, I realize that it was such a beautiful year that I was sad to let it go. All in one year we accomplished so much as a family and gained countless blessings. To name a few: my pregnancy, Cade's birth, Babymoon, Celebrated 5 years of Marriage, Baby Showers, my new job, Charles continuing his Doctorates, Baylor turned 5 years old, and who could forget my 10 yr High School Reunion! Our hope is that 2010 can be another year of growth for our family and committment in our Lord.
OK, that's all for now...I am not a lengthy blogger, so this is all you get! As always, I will try to post more often, but sometimes I give in to that lil smile on Cade's face and do nothing but snuggle on the couch next to Charles with him in my arms. Hope everyone is having a great year so far and May God continue to Bless us all!

Merry Christmas

Cade's Rocking Horse

Opening gifts with Gramp-ee

The infamous cell phone by Uncle Corey

All tuckered out on Gam-ee's lap after opening gifts

Our Willowtree Angel with a Baby

My Parents beautiful Christmas decor

Kennybug and I playing in the flurries

The Cousins on Christmas Eve

Before Church on Christmas Eve

Nana and Papa with their "Babies"

Cade's first toy box

Riding Dump Truck by Nana and Papa

Charles reading "Twas the Night before Christmas" just like his Grandma ("Mumps") would always read.

Matching PJ's

Happy Dreams of Santa...no joke, he smiles in his sleep all the time!

Look what came in Santa's bag!

My Grandma Parks' Christmas China, it was amazing

Kennybug and Cade in their matching PJ's for Santa

Baylor waiting for his treat too!

My perfect Angel