This post is going to be a collage of what we've been up to these past few weeks. So often we have a few pics of what we have done and they pile up until I give in and do a random here goes!
Girls Night Out at Church was a blast! Cindy, Heather , and I enjoyed a nice time at dinner and then went for dessert and Bible study.
Uncle Corey came in town for almost a week! We were able to spend some time with family dinners, dragging him to fun places with the kids, and letting Cade entertain him.
Our good friends from college, The Carpenter's, are finally moving back home from Canada! They came in town to buy their house and start moving! We were so excited to snag them one night for dinner. Cade and Avery (about 4 mo apart) had a blast playing together. We can't wait till their settled in here in TEXAS!
Baylor has calmed down a bit and spends his time laying on our bed watching the action between two kids, or more recently hiding from Cade under our bed. Cade loves He-Man and insists that poor Baylor is his Battlecat. Therefor Cade tries daily to saddle up and ride Baylor. I do not blame him for hiding!
Our amazing friends the O'Brien's also stopped for a visit to meet sweet Caelin. Emma and Cade got a chance to play while Kari and I were able to catch up on life. Sure wish we lived closer so we could be together more often!
Cade also got a tricycle and loves to attempt to ride it. I think he prefers his motorized car as it goes faster and provides more of a thrill. What can I say? My lil man has no fear and loves anything that goes fast.
Finally, we have also been able to spend time just relaxing on the couch and watching a little TV. Some days this includes Pajamas at 3pm...and others just a little before nap time. Either way, I will take any snuggle time I can get with the kids!