I have many things to be proud of in my short life. However, I must say that Breastfeeding is the hardest thing I have ever done. That's right folks...this post will be strictly about breastfeeding, so if you don't want to know about it, stop reading here! The commitment, love, patience and persistence is something I am very proud of. Everyone knows SOMEONE who has sacrificed in this way, so make sure you tell them "good job"! I have a new respect for anyone who has even ATTEMPTED to breastfeed their child! My Mom bought the pump when my sis was first pregnant in October 2006. In these last 5 years, this pump has worked countless hours for 4 babies. I would say that is a pretty good $346 investment! THANKS MOM!
I tend to be what some refer to as a Holstein cow. These are the cows that produce the most milk and I was lucky enough to be placed in that category. The average woman produces 20-30oz/day. On average I produced 60 ounces of milk per day (with a personal best of 74oz, hahaha!). This was a huge blessing with both my children, and while Caelin is only 6 months I am able to stop breastfeeding and still be able to feed her until she is a year old with my supply of frozen milk. Not only do we have a deep freezer full at our house, but also one at Gamee/Grampee's house. Our total number of 10oz frozen bags (the best we could count) is around 350 bags. These freezers are considered my trophy cases! I praise God for this blessing!
Here are the top 10 reasons I am proud this era is over:
10- I no longer have to huddle in my office, crawl in the back of our element, or sit on the floor in random places to pump
9- I am on my way to normal size boobies that are pain free!
8- I will be able to cuddle with my babies and not have to shift them around to avoid pain
7- I will no longer have to be tied to the pump (although we are good friends now) every 4 hours for an average of 40 minutes. What will I do with all this free time?!
6- I no longer have to carry around Lanolin like chapstick everyday
5- The days of washing out pump accessories are OVER
4- I will save money on milk storage bags (we were averaging about $30 month)
3- I will finally be able to sleep on my belly after almost 1.5 years. Whoot whoot!
2- Walmart will have a larger stock of cabbage for the public since I am not buying in bulk anymore
1- I was/am able to feed both my children on breast milk only (no formula) for their first year