As if we are not blessed with one amazing family, we have two. Thus, a few days after Christmas we got to head to RR to spend time with the Parks side of the family. Things are always a bit crazier with more kids, but I also catch myself laughing nonstop sometimes and enjoy watching the madness take place. Dad with his usual hearing aides off, Mom just smiling as the kids run by, and the rest of us not sure whether to laugh or cry. PURE JOY FOLKS! The cousins are so much to watch interact in all their stages. Everyone of them has their strengths and watching them share those with the cousins is a parents delight. This year Caelin especially was drawn to Mackenzie. Cade has always been right by her side, but this trip appeared to also enjoy "boy time" with him and Jax. Caelin never left "Kennybug's" side. Kennybug did great and in the spirit of a true cousin never ran away or got tired of Caelin following her everywhere. The first night we arrived, we had a Christmas celebration with dinner and presents. Cade's big gift was a Lego Chima Set (the "Croc Swamp Hideout"), while Caelin got the Dora Talking doll, Cell phone, and Dora and Friends cafe set. They were both so excited! Cade was hard to get pictures of as he ran around with excitement and thanking everyone. Among other gifts, they received Movie tickets, Matching pajamas for the boys/girls (Caelin stripped naked immediately to wear hers), ornaments, Frozen shirts, etc. I think they were wired and didn't get to sleep till close to midnight. Fun times! The adults were all spoiled as well by Nana and Papa and I got money for my Fitbit Charge HR, while Charles got money for his Baylor bowl game ticket! We got several other gifts including a matching pajama set for all the ladies. It was such a fun night and we laughed at the kids nonstop!

The next morning we woke up for Mendy's 37th birthday and all went to TX Land and Cattle for Lunch. It was a very tasty meal with pork loin, quail, ribeye steak, jalapeno cheese grits, potato hash, etc. Need I say more? And YES, we All LOVE TO EAT! From there we headed out to the Aquarium for more fun. The Aquarium was the perfect size and the kids had a blast running around, touching animals and being together. Nana and Papa kept up with all the fun and helped manage some potential meltdowns as only a Nana/Papa can. It didn't take us long to figure out nap times were an excellent idea before family bowling that night! So, during nap time, we were able to make a sister run to the usual place (Starbucks) and just relax a bit with each other. I miss my sis and wish we were not 2.5 hours away! Once naps were over, we ordered in pizza and then headed out for bowling. The kids did great and are learning to be more patient and have fun with it, while the adults showed their competitive side. I won the first game, but then Uncle Chris stepped up and skunked us all the last 2 games. To end the perfect day, we had a sleep over at Nana and Papa's house. The kids all slept soundly that night and didn't wake up till close to 8:30am! We wore them out! Our last full day together was a relaxing one at the house with no plans, but movies and just hanging out and playing with new toys. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end and today we said goodbye as we headed home after breakfast. Words could never express how much our families mean to us. The times I remember growing up with cousins is truly priceless. Still to this day, I text my cousins on Christmas day. Although, we do not talk about what Santa brought or how we cannot wait to see each other at Grandma's...the memories linger with us always. Growing up with Christmas' in Lubbock, both Grandma's were usually always there waiting on us to wake up for Santa. Many times, they already had coffee and looked like they had been up for hours. The entire morning was magical with all the ones we loved most under one roof. I can remember my Dad with the HUGE VHS recorder following us around everywhere scared he would miss one second of excitement. I love remembering the times he was so moved that he had to look around the camera to see our expression for himself. My Mom was always there to make sure every detail was perfect (often including matching Christmas dresses and bows), and that we always had a soft kiss on our foreheads. Families are truly a gift from God and we are blessed with so much love and connection to all. After all, THAT is what This season is all about! What a blessed holiday season we had and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a phenomenal sister, friend, and person! I love you Mendy and couldn't be prouder of the person you are and how much you do for our families. LOVE YOU SIS!