At the end of a Fun holiday...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
We are Thankful for...
...Grandma's, spending time with family, seeing friends, hugs/kisses from my neice Mackenzie, playing at the park, games (Nintendo and Bunco...yes, I said Nintendo and Bunco), Great food, and football games!! Our Thanksgiving was amazing, with all of the above!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Here we go again!

Once again, Charles and I have decided to take the amazing adventure with the 60 mile Breast Cancer 3 Day event in Dallas. This is our 3rd year, and every year our team gets bigger and so does the fundraising. So, we just simply cannot sit idle and let Breast Cancer destroy our Grandmothers, Moms, Sisters, Aunts, Fathers, and Friends. In total, since we have started participating, our team has raised $13,900 and we will not stop till there is a cure. This year, we each have to raise $2,300 to we are getting started NOW! Below are our websites and you can make donations no matter how small, EVERY penny counts! For more information about this event, please go to Also, if you would like to join us on our journey by walking, just let us know!
60 Miles, 3 Days, 1 Cure!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Baylor gets a haircut...
So, yesterday was a big day for Baylor. First of all, his TERRIBLE Mommy waited too long and after 8 weeks took him to get a haircut. Now, Baylor usually gets a haircut every 5 weeks, so this was a BIG haircut day. When I went to drop him off, I was told that his hair was so long they would need "cut him closer than usual". I figured that would be just fine, after all... my baby looks good no matter what! So, I gave him kisses and left. Then, I got a phone call saying that they could not get the matted hair out of his ears and would have to shave his ears. This has happened before, and although I do not care for it, I finally agreed. BUT...nothing could have prepared me for my skinny, hairless baby when I went to pick him up. Those that know Baylor, recognize that he weighs close to 60 pounds, and with this new cut looks like I have starved him down to 30! Here are some pictures...he looks so sad...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Because EVERYONE Deserves a Lifetime!
Well another year has come and gone for the Breast Cancer 3 Day. First of all, let me say how grateful I am to all our donors, of which we would never have been able to do this! As a team, we raised $9,100 for Breast Cancer Research and Funding. It is hard to explain what the 3 Day Event is like. Most people will tune us out and call us "Crazy" when we mention, fractured shins, large blisters that need lancing daily, sleeping in tents when it is 40 degrees outside, walking 60 miles, using portable showers on trailers, and the use of a port-o-potty at least 5 times daily. But, there is nothing I would rather do than walk in the Breast Cancer 3 Day. As a camp this year with 3,200 walkers and 700 on medical and crew...we raised 7.9 MILLION dollars!! If that doesn't say, "what we do matters" nothing will.
We have all been touched by Breast Cancer and I look forward to the day when we find a cure and I do not have to walk every year for this cause. For all the women/men who have passed and all the ones surviving as we speak, this is for you. The slide show shows what a great victory this was for Susan G. Komen and I look forward to the blisters and pain that next year will bring!
By the way, if anyone out there would like to join our team, let me know! We have already recruited 4 new members which is double from this year! For more information check out this website:
We have all been touched by Breast Cancer and I look forward to the day when we find a cure and I do not have to walk every year for this cause. For all the women/men who have passed and all the ones surviving as we speak, this is for you. The slide show shows what a great victory this was for Susan G. Komen and I look forward to the blisters and pain that next year will bring!
By the way, if anyone out there would like to join our team, let me know! We have already recruited 4 new members which is double from this year! For more information check out this website:
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I want to mention the reason WHY we do this every year. Words could never express how much we love and miss our Grandma "Mumps" LeCour. She had an amazing battle of which she ALWAYS had her eyes on Jesus. She taught so many around her what it truly means to surrender all to God, and for that I could never be more grateful. We also walk in honor of our Grandma "Gangaw" Watts and family member Fran Ezren that is currently battling Cancer as we walk. If you visit our websites, you will see the exhaustive list of scrolling names of people who are either supporting someone or leaving a donation in their memory.
So, as we walk the 60 miles this weekend over the course of 3 days, we honor and lift up these people to God. We pray that those who are still fighting will know how much we love and support them.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well, today is National Election a Country, we will decide our next leader. I just wanted to comment on a few things.
1- People have given their lives so that YOU have a choice, so be an American and vote today!
2- It is opportunities like today that make me proud to be an American. What I say makes a difference in MY country!
3- Most importantly, no matter WHO wins, God is in control. I do not want us to bicker about the small things, when I know GOD IS IN CONTROL. Rest assured, no matter who takes the Oath in office, it will be God behind them controlling every move they make. Sure, some will be bad, but all will be driven by God.
So, let's celebrate and know that God is in control, and WE make a difference!!! What could be better than that?
"With malice towards none...With charity for all; With firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan-- to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nations."
Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1865
Monday, November 3, 2008
Baylor Homecoming!!
What a great weekend we had! Our weekend at Baylor was perfect since I got to meet up with my 2 college roomies, Carolyn and Britni. We had a great time attending All University SING, Bonfire, Tailgating, Baylor vs. Missouri game, and all our old hangouts. It was a whirlwind weekend that went WAY TOO FAST!
Roomie Reunion at George's Bar!
Cheerleaders at Bonfire

Alpha Chi Omega Float at Parade
Sisters at our Chapter House
Tailgating before Football Game
Charles and Brother Corey hangin out before game
Where's Waldo?
My Roomies and I at Football Game...GO BEARS!
Happy Halloween!!
OK, I know I am a few days late in my greetings for a wonderful pumpkin day...BUT better late than never, right?! Anyway, here are the pumpkins from our Hall Family Pumkin Carving Contest...Charles and I of course stuck to the traditional fish theme with a hook coming out of its mouth (ok, really it was a metal coat hanger), Cindy/Fred did a black widow spider, and Christopher did a great skull. Baylor of course was NO HELP, and decided it was time to take a nap in the middle of the kitchen (with one eye open and watching the whole time). Olivia (Fred/Cindy's Pig) used the event as a time to eat the pumpikin seeds. All are winners and we had a great time!

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