So, yesterday was a big day for Baylor. First of all, his TERRIBLE Mommy waited too long and after 8 weeks took him to get a haircut. Now, Baylor usually gets a haircut every 5 weeks, so this was a BIG haircut day. When I went to drop him off, I was told that his hair was so long they would need "cut him closer than usual". I figured that would be just fine, after all... my baby looks good no matter what! So, I gave him kisses and left. Then, I got a phone call saying that they could not get the matted hair out of his ears and would have to shave his ears. This has happened before, and although I do not care for it, I finally agreed. BUT...nothing could have prepared me for my skinny, hairless baby when I went to pick him up. Those that know Baylor, recognize that he weighs close to 60 pounds, and with this new cut looks like I have starved him down to 30! Here are some pictures...he looks so sad...

Poor little Baylor, he lost all his hair! =) He's so cute, though. It was good to get to see you and talk with you on Sunday! I hope you're coming to Girls' Night Out!
Aw, Baylor! Lola is laughing at you, I told her it was not nice, ruff, ruff!
What a cutie!! It was great seeing you yesterday. Have a great week.
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