OK, so really Charles had a conference about 50% of the time we were in San Antonio, but anything out of the norm is a vacation, right?! The time Charles was in the Conference I did loner things like: reading my book, laying in the sun on the roof of the hotel, exploring local sights such as the Alamo and Riverwalk, and of course shopping along the Riverwalk. But when he was out, we got to explore together and ate (very frequently I might add!). The best part was when my Parents came along for 2 nights and hung out with us. Being originally from San Antonio, the sights and directions were much easier for us to navigate and we got a LOT of sightseeing and shopping completed! Did I mention we ate A LOT and OFTEN?!! Anyway, here are some "Vacation Pics"...

My Mom and I on the Riverwalk River Cruise

OK, had to get the usual Alamo pic!

Charles and I eating dinner on the Riverwalk

The four of us posing for a pic on the Riverwalk

Some local musicians performing, they were amazing!

OK, so these are "Bunuelos". My parents used to get these for breakfast across the street from their work place on several occasions...so one morning we ventured to search down their new location and buy some Bunuelos so that my parents could relive the memory...and just an FYI, they taste like thin churros! YUMMY!!

THIS is our old house! Of course it has been 20 years since we lived there, and the up keep has not neccessarily been up to par (what were they thinkin' with the paint scheme?), but this house holds SO MANY memories! I can still tell you the exact layout of all rooms, where my sister and I fought, where my sis broke her leg/arms (every time), where my Dad caught armadillos, when we planted certain trees, where all the good hiding places are, and the exact location of the watermelon patch along the side of the house. It was a great house and I couldn't resist putting a pic of it on the blog!
1 comment:
Ahhhhhh, do you remember streaking across the 3rd floor where those top 3 windows were?! Hahahahaha! The only reason we even did it was because it used to make Dad so mad and he yelled at us. I LOVED that house, even the haunted guest bedroom upstairs. Oh, yeah. One more memory... you jumping off the third floor banister all the way to the bottom floor and landing on the couch that you carefully arranged the pillows on!!!!!!
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