So, many of you are saying, "What's a babymoon?" is similiar to a Honeymoon, but a trip you get to take prior to a new baby to celebrate as a couple before someone new enters the family! So, since we can't travel far...we went to Sugarland! It was an amazing trip! We had very little planned (which was relaxing), but still did SO MUCH! We stayed in the Marriot on Town Square and had a blast! We ate at amazing places every night, had massages, facials, swam at the pool, went shopping, went to the movies, and did I mention EATING??? The pictures below say it all! Now it is time to get back on task and make those final preparations for Cade's Arrival! You can also see what Cade has been up to this week down below!
City Hall (the view out our window from hotel!)
We created our own lotion at Bath Junkie for the hospital...I am thinking it will be some magical massage lotion that will just make Cade pop right out without any pain or problems! PLEASE do not tell me otherwise!
Going out for a nice dinner at "The Burning Pear"

Let me introduce you to a new frozen yogurt place called "Swirl". Unfortunately, we patroned this place WAY TOO MUCH!! Even if we were stuffed, we still managed to pick our cup and fill it with everything we wanted...then you pay $.43 per ounce. WARNING: the picture below contains $16 worth of frozen yogurt and toppings...but SO WORTH IT!
Wish I was eating this RIGHT NOW....
This pic shows exactly HOW FULL we were when we returned to our hotel one night after dinner and "Swirl" an attempt to open our hotel door, Charles dropped his wallet. I was NOT going to bend over and pick it up...and since Charles' belly was just as big as mine by this point...we decided the best option was to kick it down the hall and into our room! Hey...whatever works, right?! We did pick it up eventually the next morning!
As we were leaving Sugarland, we made a detour to take a pic with my best friends lil brother. This is Jordan in the Chick-Fil-A cow costume. I do not think he was pariticularly excited for us to take his pic...but we enjoyed seeing him!
Ok, this is a picture of me looking down at my belly this morning at Starbucks. Cade loves to lay sideways and make my belly look like a cone! So, here he is making his presence known and making what I call, "Cade's Cone"!
Let me introduce you to a new frozen yogurt place called "Swirl". Unfortunately, we patroned this place WAY TOO MUCH!! Even if we were stuffed, we still managed to pick our cup and fill it with everything we wanted...then you pay $.43 per ounce. WARNING: the picture below contains $16 worth of frozen yogurt and toppings...but SO WORTH IT!

Here is Cade's busy week:
"Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. His fat layers — which will help regulate his body temperature once he's born — are filling him out, making him rounder. His skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies."
Baby Cade, we're ready!!!!
- Mackenzie
Now that the babymoon is over, it is TIME! Can't wait to meet the new man in the fam!
- Aunt Mendy and Uncle Chris
i love it! a babymoon!! we kind of had one of those - our 1 year anniversary was the day before we went into the hospital. and I love the cade cone. Hannah used to do that and i though it was so cool!
Glad you had a chance to get away for a while before the big show. You look sooo excited about your lotion and I can totally picture the two of you kicking the wallet down the hallway.
Love it! Looks like you guys had a great time. Hope to see you soon!
Tony and I had our Babymoon in Hot Springs AR. It was October and there was a fog drifting up from all of the Hot Springs. Magical! I will never forget it.
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