Words cannot begin to express our gratitude for the gift of Cade. We have been faithful in you and clung to your promise that if we delight ourselves in you, you will give us the desires of our heart. Well, 3 years later, many doctors, tears, and prayers...here we are. Today we hold the most precious gift you have ever given us, Cade Beatty Hall. Monday, August 10th, 2009 will forever be a day of happiness and gratitude. His stubborn personality and desire to be breech meant he came via c-section at 7:37pm, which we were thankful everything went perfectly smooth. We are gracious for his healthy weight of 8.1 pounds and his length of 20.25 inches. He is just perfect and we could not have asked for a more perfect gift. So, today we dedicate this blog to every person out there Lord who is struggling with decisions in life and feeling like you are not there. We too felt like that at times, but you continued to show us that faith and perserverance will prevail and you gave us a gift that was worth the wait of all those years! Thank you again for showing us the gift of life through you, yet again.

Getting ready for surgery!
Mommy seeing Cade for the first time
Getting ready to leave the hospital as a family
Cade in his going home outfit... the shoes and socks were Charles' when he came home from hospital!
Chilin' at home with my Bro Baylor
Daddy leaving to go back to work! I had to match and tell him bye!
Matching wet spots with Daddy!
4 days worth of diapers...Yikes
Getting spoiled by Mommy
The shirt says it all, "The Prince has arrived"

My first bath at 10 days old
Daddy snuggling me up in my cool dinosaur towel

All clean and ready for bed

Mommy and Daddy's little angel
What a great post! I teared up, smiled, and laughed! I love the pic of Cade matching Charles when he went to work...precious!!
What a beautiful post! I am so happy for your family. What an amazing blessing. Thinking of you...
we are so happy for yall!! he is so precious! what a great gift! glad everything went well!
He is adorable!!!
God Bless you and your beautiful family! God is so very good! Your post brought me to tears! I am so happy for you and Charles! Parenthood has truly been the most amazing experience thus far! Please call if you need anything! Enjoy every blessed moment with your baby...they grow up much to fast!!
I could not sympathize more with our blessed gift from God too! What precious pictures! And Cade still looks pretty small...I forgot D was that small once too.
What to say and where to begin? What a journey it has been, but the prize was worth the wait of 100years... glad it only took 3:) We love ya'll more than anything!
Aunt Mendy, Uncle Chris and Mackenzie
Stacy, Please tell Charles that the picture of Cade and him wearing matching Baylor ties is the most incredibly awesome picture I have ever seen! However, I know they will look even more incredible wearing the maroon set that should arrive shortly!
Dear Stacy and Charles,
Congratulations!!! Cade is absolutely beautiful. It was wonderful to read the last few posts, and see all the pictures. I'll be thinking of you all. Is there an e-mail where I could write you?
Stacy and Charles,
What a beautiful little boy. Cherish everyday and hold him close. Tomorrow he will want to run. May God continue to bless you with a million precious moments.
He is so handsome! Congratulations, and I'm glad everything has gone so well!
awwww congrats to yall!!! yall have such a beautiful family of three now! email me and i will invite you to our blog if you ever have time again, lol skc@chubbycheekdesigns.com
These are great pictures! I love them! Thank you for sharing1
He is so precious! I love the pics of the matching ties! Too cute! Hope that you are doing well. Love, Kim
Mark and I are so happy for you!! God is so good and it is such a joy to see you blessed with a beautiful baby! Congratulations!
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