Since my Sister got sick, we were not able to go to Round Rock for New Years as planned. This was when we were planning on celebrating Christmas with my side of the family. So, instead...NANA and PAPA came to Tomball! Even though they only came for 2 days, we did a lot and had tons of fun. We went to park, fed ducks, opened gifts, did fireworks, and spent time with my Aunt Lou, Uncle Ray (who Cade calls Nonnie and Poppie), and cousins Rob, Stephen and RB. We hope they come and visit again soon!
I love unwrapping gifts!
Look what I got!
I love his dimple in this picture! Of course, he loves his new PJ's with the FOOTBALL!
He laughs so hard at his remote control airplane!
Doing sparklers with Nana and Papa!
And couldn't resist also posting the flowers Charles brought home Tuesday night, January 4th. This was the day Charles proposed to me in Grapeland, TX 8 years ago. Can't believe how time flies. I remember the day like it was yesterday. He was so adorable in his wranglers, boots, and yellow dress shirt. We drove down to the Dam where we always fish (yes, I do realize this is sounding like a bad country song) and he had a candlelit/rose petal path to a bench. We walked down the path and he read 1 Cor. 13 and then got down on one knee. I was of course crying and said yes! Both sides of our family were in town (they all knew what was going on) so we all went out to dinner at a restaurant where they sang "For he's a jolly good fellow". It was a special night and I will never forget it! I love how thoughtful Charles is and how he remembers these holidays. Love you babe, SHMILY!
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