So, I did it again! I let 3 weeks pass in my postings. Where does the time go? Anyway, let me attempt to catch you up in a random post. Here are some highlights:
I had a surprise Baby shower luncheon by my coworkers! It was so much fun and I received a lot of pink things! My trunk was filled with pink items. When I got to the restaurant, there was a HUGE picnic basket filled with goodies as a gift. It contained many adorable sets of clothes, socks, blankets, baby's first dining set, toys, diapers, books, teddy bear with handmade clothes, Peter Rabbit tea set, bows, sunglasses, and SO MUCH more. This was such a huge blessing to us and greatly appreciated. THANK YOU FRIENDS!

My Mom had her 62nd Birthday! We love you Mom, you are so special to us.
Mother's Day was amazing. My boys spoiled me and I continue to be blessed by their love daily. My favorite gift was a necklace that says "Mama" in the middle, around the silver ring it says "Charles, Cade, Caelin, Baylor". I love it and wear it just about everyday. Those names mean everything to me.
Cade turned 21 MONTHS OLD! Time really flies and he has grown so fast. Sometimes I cry thinking how fast he grows up and how much I love him (I know...might be the prego hormones). He really is such a loving little man. He has a great spirit about him and continues to make us laugh. He will say "Caelin" when asked what his baby's name is and loves to kiss my belly. He has absolutely no fear and LOVES sports, motorcycles, and getting dirty...ALL BOY. He is also one smart lil boy! He can tell you about 5 colors now (black, blue, yellow, purple, and sometimes we get red/yellow) and can count 1:1 correspondence to 3. He can also count on his fingers to 5. He minds well when we say, "First X, then X"...and will help do simple chores most of the time. We are still attached to "Mr. Froggy" at bedtime and will do ANYTHING for someone to read him a book! We love you Cade, you are such a blessing to us!

While Gam-ee was in Hawaii, my parents came down to help watch Cade for the week so we could work. Cade had a blast with Nana and Papa. He is such a happy little boy and became very attached to them! Papa took him to the park almost every morning, and he loved shopping with Nana. When it came to getting spoiled, he sure got spoiled! But that is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Reminds me of my relationship with Gangaw when I was little. My poor Mom didn't stand a CHANCE if Gangaw was around! Hahaha! Warms my heart. Thanks Nana and Papa for helping out for the week!
Last Saturday, I was also blessed by our Sunday school class who took all the expecting 2nd time Mom's out to dinner. It was a fun time of fellowship and we ate some yummy Pizookie's at BJ's! I MAY have eaten at least half by myself...but who's really counting? Thank you to all who came and supported us 2nd time Mom's, I had a blast.
Last Sunday we started working on Caelin's room. Remember this is a work in progress, but here are a few starter pictures. We still have some decorating to do, but the furniture and main items are in there. Guess I should organize the drawers soon... :)
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