Welcome to 34 weeks Caelin! We had a Doctor's apt today, all the stats are below. Thought I would include a few pics from this past week. I will try to post some belly pics each week now. She is getting bigger and we even scheduled the C-section date officially with the hospital! July 7th was all booked as of today, so she is officially scheduled now for July 8th at 12:30pm. That is unless she comes before! I am guessing June 27th on my my BFF Lizzy's BD, Gam-ee is guessing June 18th, and my Sister Mendy has put her guess of June 21st out there. So, we will see. We are ready anytime she is! Here are her stats from this week: weight- 158.8lbs, BP- 102/68, and Caelin's HR- 154.
Here is what BabyCenter.com says about Caelin this week:
"Your baby now weighs almost 5 lbs (like the size of a large cantaloupe) and is approaching 20 inches long. Her fat layers are filling out making her rounder. her skin is smoother than ever and her central nervous system is maturing along with her lungs."

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