Time again has snuck up on us and today we celebrate Caelin being 4 months old! She is drinking 7oz bottles about every 4 hours. We thought we were on a great sleeping schedule of about 10 hours, but lil Princess Caelin has become more of a 6 hour (if that) sleeper these last few nights. We are looking forward to the return of sleep during the night. I think she knows one little whimper will get her on Daddy's chest, so she is a smart one! Caelin is still happy as ever and loves to be propped up to see the action. She hardly ever cries, and if she does chances are she is hungry or wants her paci. When we feed her, she will reach out to grab the bottle like she wants to hold it, but instead her motor skills still push the bottle away. Poor angel has quite a battle with her bottles until we finally hold her hands while feeding her. We have also come around to bows and lots of PINK in the house. Caelin will talk to just about anyone already. She will cackle and make noises back when someone talks to her. She recognizes lots of people and it is so funny to watch her face light up when she figures out who we are! Sometimes she "talks" so loud that she even scares herself! Could this be foreshadowing something in the future? Her favorite toys are anything she can grasp and hang on to. She will cross her mid line to reach for toys and loves to be in her swing. She also appears to take after Cade as she is a little bit of a thinker. I will catch her staring at objects and inspecting them. Her eyebrows will furrow and then she will sigh or look back at us. Makes us laugh every time! She enjoys sitting on Charles' lap while he watches TV and taking baths. Cade is still in love with her and kisses her several times throughout the day. At her 4 month check-up, she had very good stats! She weighed in at 14.11 lbs (70%), and for height was 25.25 inches tall (81%). We are enjoying every minute of Caelin in our family. She adds so much to each of us and melts our hearts when she smiles...especially her Daddy's! We love our lil angel, Caelin Roe.

1 comment:
Happy 4 months precious niece! My second little baby girl:)
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