Oh how I wish sometimes that time would stand still. I wish I could hang on to the tight little hug of Cade or that sweet slobber smile of Caelin forever. As we all know, that is just not possible. In fact, I realize even more now with children, just how fast life passes by us each. It is just not fair. I try to tell myself that I have so much to look forward to and watching her be successful in so many things, but that just doesn't work. I still tear up thinking this could be "the last" of something. This past month was a busy one for Caelin. She seems to be growing taller as I notice that many clothes are starting to get too small. She is still very slim and wearing 6-9 month clothes. Her hair is getting a little longer so we can clip small bows to it for at least a quick photo. I am waiting ANY day now, but still no teeth! She is never fussy, so we check her mouth every few days because I am not sure we would ever know if she was teething! She still sleeps about 11 hours at night and an average of 2- 1hr naps during the day. She now eats about 26 oz of breastmilk, 5 oz of pureed foods with rice cereal, and snacks daily. She loves the baby rice husks (beware Moms...this is MESSY), puffs, etc. She is eating her foods better now and seems to almost prefer the food over the bottle at times. I love to watch her now wave "hello" at those who will wave at her. It looks kinda like she is beating a drum with her right hand. She will laugh when I clap and say "yeah", but has not quite yet figured out she can use her hands to clap and do the same thing. I think she will figure this out in the next few days. Biggest news...Daddy is claiming that she is saying "Dada", although it sounds like babbling to me! So, we are currently both attempting to brainwash her into saying "mama/dada" first. She thinks we are crazy and usually laughs at us! Caelin LOVES to watch Cade play. She enjoys it when Cade talks to her or even better hugs or kisses her. The way those two interact is hillarious. I see a little bit of jealousy sometimes if Caelin has one of his toys (we are working on sharing...not an easy thing to master for Cade), but 90% of the time, he is totally smitten by her. Caelin's favorite toys include toys that have cause/effect lights or sounds. She will laugh when she hits it and it lights up. She is such a smarty pants. Of course, we are still HOOKED to our pacifier. She will reach and fall over trying to grab that thing! And last but not least, we have mastered our tripod sit and are getting belly time everyday. If assisted, we can stand up and will bounce on our legs. I think she may be a dancer. Perhaps in the next few months we will see an army crawl coming out! 

We are so proud of you Caelin and all everything this month has brought. You are such a positive and sweet spirit. We "lub u Caelin baelin Roe"!

1 comment:
Too cute, miss my princess!
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