Blog Background

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Family in Grapeland/ OG Retreat

While the fam went on a quick weekend getaway to Grapeland, I was able to sneak away for 2 nights with the OG’s and recharge.  I value my time with these 3 ladies so much.  Every time we get together, we laugh till we cry.  They have been there in the highs and lows, accepted my faults, cried on the floor of my office with me, and gave me countless pep talks.  My life forever changed the day we started our work together.  I hope both my kids see that to have friends that truly see you for who you are is a gift from God. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

BICS Bear Den Grant

We did it! Anna did a beautiful job taking lead and our team was so excited to find out we won the BICS Bear Den grant we applied for!  We now have $7,500 to spend making a sensory/motor lab for our students that come through our Behavior Intervention program.  The look on Anna’s face was one I will never forget and it brings me so much joy to see my friends recognized for all their greatness and think of the students that will be impacted.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

TISD Superintendent Fun Run

After Caelin ran her first 5K with Grampee in The Woodlands, she had been looking forward to running in the TISD Superintendent Fun Run at the Tomball Event Center. It was another 5K and Grampee and dad joined in on the running fun (Gamee was there to cheer us on). In the end everyone ran the race and had a good time. Caelin finished 4th overall in her age group and Grampee finished 3rd in his. Can’t wait until next year to see if we can beat our times!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Mac’s Semi Finals for State

What a memorable season for Mac!  The final 4 game today did not go in our favor.  The girls played their hearts out, but lost in the end.  We could not be prouder of the team and the way they represent the sport.  We are so proud of Mackenzie as we can see the leader she is even from the stands.  She always runs with her pointer fingers out, and I think this is her spirit showing through and ready to lead the team during each play.  Yes, she is a phenomenal athlete in this sport since the age of 3, but I am more proud of her character than athleticism.  We love you Mackenzie Reese and ‘Hawk yeah’!