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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

Today was a great day to celebrate all the Mom's out there.  I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the amazing women in my life who have shaped me into the person I am today. Among them, Stacy, Gamee, and Nana stand out today examples of motherhood, each leaving a mark on those around them. Today we had the opportunity to celbrate in person with Stacy and Gammee.  Stacy, is the epitome of love and grace. She woke up to some of her favorite breakfast things – a quiche, blueberry donuts, and mimosas. After breakfast we went to church and of course took family pictures afterwards. From there we went to lunch at Hasta La Pasta where we had made reservations.   We are reminded every day of Stacy's dedication to our family which is evident in every gesture, from packing lunches with love notes to staying up late helping with homework. Stacy's love knows no bounds. She is our children's biggest cheerleader. Whether she's comforting them after a tough day at school or celebrating their achievements with joy, her love and support are unwavering. Her ability to navigate motherhood with graceis nothing short of inspiring, and I am grateful for her. This no doubt all came from the example set by Nana and the way she loves her family.  Both are such beautiful examples of Motherhood.  And then there's Gamee who is an extraordinary mother in her own right. Gamee's journey through motherhood has been one marked by resilience and strength. She has always put her children first, showering them with love, guidance, and unwavering support. Of course that love is now shown to all of her grandchildren as well. She has a knack for making everyone feel welcome and her influence will undoubtedly shape their lives for years to come.

As we gathered to celebrate Mother's Day, I am reminded of the incredible privilege it is to witness the love and dedication of mothers like Stacy, Gamee and Nana.

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