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Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Welcome 2025!

A new year always brings a fresh start and new goals.  This year crept up quite quickly and I am not even sure what new my personal goals may be.  I know last year I focused on 100oz water intake daily, getting a treatment plan for my headaches, and reading a book or completing a puzzle every month as part of self care.  The water intake and treatment plan for headaches were completed with success, but I was 1 month shy of completing my goal of finishing a book or puzzle monthly for self-care.  Even though I didn't finish by the end of the year, I will make sure to complete it in the coming months, even if late.  LOL.  This year, I want to focus more on the smaller moments and RECENTER more.  What that truly looks like, I am not sure as of today.  I want to love more deeply, serve others more, and explore a new part of our country with family.  I know that may sound vague to some, but I have learned to not have everything planned out or put specific timelines on myself or I will pass by the little things and miss an opportunity to be more like Mary instead of Martha. Thus "recenter" is my word for the year with a focus verse on Lamentations 3:22-23.  I feel a longing to recenter my life to the people and things that truly matter.  I want to let go of the things I need to prune (like in 2022) and not feel guilty releasing those things in an effort to seek more of the goodness of God.  To celebrate our new year as a family, we had a yummy meal of ham, black eyed peas, cabbage, and mac and cheese at Nana's before heading home.  I am thankful to God for bringing us all to 2025 with good health and togetherness.  I truly look forward to all the peace, joy filled moments, and new adventures of 2025.  Cheers to a new year and a better version of each of us!  

2020 - BALANCE
2022 - PRUNING
2023 - SEEK
2024 - ANCHOR
2025 - RECENTER- Lamentations 3:22-23 

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