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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Almost Here!

Well, we are on the home stretch! It looks like Cade will make his appearance this week via c-section! We are excited, but of course getting the last minute jitters! I think the excitement is just taking over! We are spending our time doing the last minute cleaning house, mowing yard, washing clothes, etc. Just trying to have less to do when we come home from the hospital! We are squeezing in date nights and last minute fun activities as well. So, while we are busy, Cade has been too! Here is what he has been up to this week!
"Your baby has really plumped up. He weighs about 6.8 pounds and he's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). He has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold his hand for the first time! His organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb. Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If he's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time he's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after he's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)"

Also, wanted to post some pics that our friend Carol took. She is a beautiful friend who does this on the side. If you like what you see, let me know and I will give you her info. She is amazing.


Mendy said...

So beautiful and precious. You just take my breath away!

M & M said...

I love that second picture! Can't wait to meet little Cade! What day are they doing the c-section?

Kim and Eric said...

Love the pictures! Praying for you this week! Love you friend!

Lindsay said...

Precious pics! You look so great, Stacy! Yay baby Cade is almost here!!!!!!!!!!!!!