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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Farewell 2011

It just doesn't seem possible that we are already saying goodbye to 2011! This time last year we were announcing that another little angel would be blessing our family, and yet here we are about to celebrate 6 months with Caelin. Time truly is precious and flies so fast! When I think back on this year, I am reminded of all the blessings we have been given. Everything, good or bad, proved to be a blessing in our lives.

Here is a recap of 2011 for our family:

- Charles and I celebrated 7 years of marriage

- Babymoon in Fredericksburg, TX

- Pregnancy/birth of beautiful Caelin Roe

- Cade Beatty turned 2 years old

- Baylor turned 7 years old

- Places we adventured: The Aquarium, Zoo, Cade to Circus with Gamee/Grampee, Galveston/Beach, Bowling, Rodeo, Children's Museum, Firehouse, Palestine Train Ride, Cade to Indiana with Gamee/Grampee, Lots of Visits to Round Rock to see Family, and Baylor University Homecoming

- Cade's 1st haircut, changing to a toddler bed, potty training fun, and starting Mother's Day out once a week

- Caelin's accomplishments like smiling, rolling over, and laughing

- McCharen Family Reunion in Fredericksburg, TX

- Many visits and endless dinners with close friends and family

- Celebrating a great season of Baylor U Football

- Raising money and walking in the Autism Speaks Benefit as a family

- Caelin being hospitalized for 3 days

- Charles being named Principal of Ehrhardt Elementary

We continue to praise God for all his good works in us and are excited to see what adventures 2012 will bring our way!

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