To start off this year, we went to Round Rock to spend Christmas with Nana/Papa Parks, Aunt Mendy/Uncle Chris, "Kennybug" and Jax. The first night we arrived, we spent at least an hour going through "Nana and Papa's Wonderland" with the kids. Nana has always loved Christmas time and has collected items such as: singing Christmas trees, sleeping Santa's, turning Carousel's, Santa Flying around in a plane, and so many other moveable Santa's. Cade's favorite was a Santa/Reindeer that played dueling banjos. He would start it up, and then dance around in a circle until the music stopped. Endless hours of fun I tell you! Jingle, our Elf, even came to Nana and Papa's house! She was seen the first day riding on Santa's plane, and then on her last day she was found as the angel in the manger. Cade knew as soon as he saw her wings and halo what she was saying..."Pier NOT, do not be afraid!". The day leading up to Christmas Eve was spent baking and preparing for the feasts we would have the following days...let me just say, my Mom and I are AMAZING CHEFS...hahaha.
On Christmas Eve, we spent the day relaxing, eating, decorating cookies (Yes, our cookies say "BYOB" for Bring your own baby...and "WALL-MART" as a family joke). After dinner, we all went to church with the kids. It was pouring rain, but still good to be at Church and remember what the season is truly about. Once we got home, we opened gifts with the kids. They were all so excited to tear open their gifts. Cade and Caelin had matching Pj's and looking back, I am sorry I made him wear that silly hat. Poor kid did look like a "Where's Waldo" reject. It made matters worse that he decided to put on the glasses from the "Mr. Potato Head" gift he got! Some other gifts Cade received were: helicopter, Bath accessories, games, books, puzzle, wooden work bench, and DVD's. Caelin was not left out either! She received gifts such as: activity box, books, toy cell phone, teething tea set, dolls, food items, and socks. After gifts, Charles kept true to his family tradition and read, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" just like his Grandmother "Mumps" would read every year. The kids always seem to enjoy this, along with the adults. Then somehow we managed to get all 4 kids asleep in hopes that Santa would come. Can I just say, Santa LOVED his decorated cookies this year, he said they were mighty tasty!
When the kids woke up the next morning, we had so much fun watching them see what Santa had left. Cade couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the garbage truck he had asked Santa for. He had requested a "clean garbage truck, not a dirty one"...and SANTA brought one! Can you believe it? Oh, that Santa must really love Cade Beatty! Santa also brought Cade some candy, toy cars, books, and games. Caelin enjoyed the toy Stacker, food, and books that Santa left her! Since she will be starting solid foods soon, she was so excited to get some starter foods! :) Even sweet little Baylor got to dig his nose into his stocking and see what Santa brought. He was very surprised and excited to see Santa did not forget he was on the "nice" list and brought him his favorite treats! The rest of the day was spent enjoying food, family, and a slightly competitive card game of Phase 10 (Congrats for the win Mendy, we are not bitter AT ALL).
As you can see, it was a magical Christmas! Thanks to Nana/Papa for hosting us and letting us stay in your "wonderland". Although it was a bit crazy at times with 4 kids (ages 5, 2, 1, and 5 months), this was one Christmas we shall never forget. Praise be to God for the blessings he has brought to our family during this special time. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night....
Looks like a wonderful time full of family, fun and laughter. Enjoy every second!
The picture of Jax holding the two dolls is just WRONG! Or maybe the one with Chris.... some good bloooper moments fo sho!
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