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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cade & Caelin,

Being a Mom is the most important gift God has given me.  I cannot think of anything else that has made me this happy in life besides finding your Father.  Many people look at Mother’s Day as a time to say “thanks” to their Mom.  I agree that this is such an important thing to do, and the Lord has blessed your Dad and I with not one but TWO amazing Mom’s.  It is such an honor to have grown up with loving Mom’s who have shown us the values and love that life has to offer. 

Looking back, I can say the major life lesson that Nana taught me growing up was to go after EVERY dream, no matter how crazy it may seem.  I have come to many crossroads so far in my life, and sometimes I have wanted to turn back.  Rather it be the fear of failing or just the feeling of “what am I doing?”, there were times I wanted to stop pursuing a dream.  However, Nana never let me quit and was always there pushing me (sometimes literally!) saying “Go for it, you won’t regret it!”  Let me tell you both, I have never regretted pursuing anything in life…even if things didn’t turn out quite like I had planned.  In fact, they always turned out better!

When I asked your Daddy what was the most important thing Gamee taught him, he said it was to be optimistic.  As you both know, Gamee always stays on the sunny side of life.  She has a way of finding the best in everyone and everything.  Even when things may look dim, Gamee is there smiling and waiting to hug you.  Your Daddy remembers Gamee always having the right words to say and uplifting him whenever he was down.  This is a true gift of a Mother.  

Mother’s Day 2009 turned this holiday into a different type of day for me.  This was my first true Mother’s Day with Cade in my belly.  I remember going to church that day and thinking of what to say when I spoke to Nana/Gamee that day.  However, the Lord broke my heart that day during church and showed me a different side to Mother’s Day.  I felt God telling me that my time had come to step up and be the best Mother I could.  Although Cade was not even born yet, that day I committed every Mother’s Day as a day to recommit myself to my children.  Now, God has blessed me more than I EVER imagined with the two of you.  So, as I reflect back on this past year as a Mother, I am flooded by tears of joy.  There has been change in our family dynamics with Caelin’s arrival, milestones from the both of you, and a lot of “first times” as we begin to find out what a FAMILY means.  I am honest when I say I have messed up.  There have been times when I know I made the wrong choice (of course there is no need to list them all out!) and times when I was proud of my decisions.  Regardless, my love and commitment to each of you has only gotten stronger each day.  For that, I thank God and I can watch this day close knowing that I am still committed to being the best Mom I can be for the two of you.  I look forward to seeing what lessons you will each teach me this year, just remember to go easy on me as I am your faithful student!

All the way around the world and back again,

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