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Sunday, May 13, 2012

A new bed

Despite my "ugly crying" while in the bathtub last night...this day came.  Cade transitioned from a toddler bed to a big boy bed.  Whenever we have hinted at a "big boy bed", Cade has always said, "No tank you, my bed is puurrrfect."  However, the other night while I tried to squeeze in to lay next to him on the bed, he said to me that "we are too big momma and our hiney is falling off".  So, I thought we might as well run with the idea now. Thus, Charles and I got a full size bed and off we went with the transition.  We had already purchased the bedding at a JBF Sale (Pottery Barn's Train Junction), so it was just a matter of changing the bed.  Of course I cried numerous times throughout the day and fought back the tears when Cade saw it for the first time.  He was happy and climbed up on the bed and promptly threw all the decorative pillows off the bed cause he "only needed one."  Best part was that he choose the decorative train pillow as his to sleep on.  After trying it out himself, he invited Gamee and then Mommy/Daddy to get in bed with him.  The event went a lot smoother than I imagined and Cade seems happy.  We will see what tonight brings!  


Jaime said...

Ahhh...we are transitioning A to her big girl bed as soon as we get home from vacation. I have a feeling I'll be crying too...the pregnancy hormones don't help!

Mendy said...

Noooooooo! Now it's my turn to go "ugly cry!"