Today was Caelin's first day at Church. Sweet little girl did great. At one point, the Pastor got a little wild and everyone started clapping and standing (we are in the middle of a GREAT series called "Religion in America"). We glanced over at Caelin who had a startled look on her face and arms outstretched as if to say, "HEELLLLOOO people, some of us are trying to sleep!" We just laughed. Also, happy 4 weeks/1 month Caelin, we love you! You are still sleeping 3-4 hours at night and drink 4oz of milk every 3-3.5 hours. You are such a happy little girl who is starting to look around a lot more. Your eyes are still a gray blue and we love it when you open them real wide to look at us. You enjoy being cuddled and could sleep all day if help in someone's arms. You also enjoy when Daddy walks you back and forth and makes you do crazy dance moves. Cade is still in love with you and kisses you all the time. He says, "Night night Caelin, see you in morning", "wake up Caelin, time to play with He-man", "take a nap Caelin", and "Caelin stop crying they coming"! We love you Caelin Roe!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
A special day with Cade
We had the best day yesterday! We took Cade to Galveston for the day to play on the beach and visit the Rainforest Cafe. Since we knew the heat would be bad for Caelin, Gam-ee offered to spend the day with Caelin at home while we took Cade. I am pretty sure Gam-ee just spent the day holding and staring at Caelin. She is so spoiled already! When we made it to Galveston, we decided to do the rainforest Cafe first to eat lunch while we were still clean. Cade loved all the animals and watching them come to life while we ate. His expressions were priceless. When we finished eating, we rode the water coaster through the Cafe where he could see a closer view of the animals. He enjoyed the waterfalls and kept pointing to everything saying, "look, look!" Once we finished the ride, we headed out to the beach for some fun in the sand. Cade enjoyed the ocean (which he kept referring to as an island at first) and the waves. He was laughing and playing in them right away until the wave splashed in his face. It was a short recovery though and he was playing again in no time. I wish I could have seen his face, but I had to stay in knee deep water due to my C-section. Daddy also helped him build a sandcastle, which he promptly stepped on and said, "I knock down." Guess that's it for sandcastles. Anyway, we had a great day together and it didn't take Cade long to pass out once we got settled in the car to head home. As we were doing the bedtime routine last night, Cade announced, "We go to beach tomorrow, ok mommy daddy!"

The infamous, Chuck-E-Cheese
I know we must be crazy, but one of the things on our "fun List of to-do's" for Cade was Chuck-E-Cheese's. Yes, you heard me right...Chuck-E-Cheese. We printed coupons online and headed out with both kids for lunch and excitement. What we thought would be 1-2 hours was 3.5 hours of endless fun. We ate lunch, all had drinks and got 100 tokens for only $32 with tax. I call that a pretty good deal! Cade LOVED all the rides, especially the cars and monster trucks...basically anything that moves and he can climb in! This left Charles and I with TONS of tokens as Cade was not in to the Ski-ball or other games. I did try ski-ball with Cade, but found out that was not such a good idea when he CHUNKED the ball about 5 lanes down and yelled "TOUCHDOWN"! My kid has quite an for the safety of everyone (and the glass windows nearby), we did not attempt ski-ball further. We did have a blast though and decided it was not as bad as we originally thought it was gonna be. We enjoyed watching Cade laugh and run around. Nothing is better than family time.
Cade goes to Indiana
This past Tuesday, Cade came back from 5 days in Indiana at a family wedding for Charles' cousin, Elizabeth. Gam-ee and Gramp-ee took him to meet the family and many of his cousins for he first time. With Caelin being so young, there was no way we were gonna attempt the trip. Cade had a blast as you can see from the pics below and LOVED spending all the time with Gam-ee and fact, I KNOW he didn't want to come home! While Cade was away, Charles and I took the time to love on Caelin together and do things like going out to nice dinners! It is so funny how fast you forget the difference in a 23 month old and a newborn at restaurants! We also rented a ton of movies and stayed in our PJ's all day one time! Everyone had a nice time, but we sure missed Cade by the time he got back. Good thing Gam-ee texted us pictures of him everyday! We had a list of fun things planned for when he got back!

Monday, July 18, 2011
We survived the first 2 weeks!
Well, we survived the first two weeks as a family of 5 (yes, Baylor our 4 legged pooch is a part of our fam). What I had prepared myself for, was not reality! I prepared for the zombie like sleep, exhaustion, low tolerance for attitudes, and a wrecked household. NOT AT ALL what it has been like. Having two munchkins under two has been a blast! Of course it helps that Caelin already sleeps two-4 hr stints at night and Cade sleeps his usual 10 hours...but it has been relaxing and a great bonding time for our family. We have had no real plans each day and enjoy being lazy and all spending time with each other. Praise God for times like this! Over the last 2 weeks, Cade has adjusted well to his sister and has shared the spotlight well. We make sure Caelin still has little "surprises" for him (stickers, cookies, and little dollar items) every now and then and he gives her kisses on his own. He loves to announce "Caelin crying Mommy Daddy," even if she barely whimpers. He has even tried to share his food a few times. Car rides are interesting as we still have to make sure our loving lil Cade doesn't poke her in the eye while inspecting her face. He also likes to pat his head and say, "Cade is big and Caelin is little." We are so proud of Cade, what a smart and loving lil boy! Caelin has also gone through multiple photo shoots, losing our umbilical cord, first bath (see earlier post), first outing to Gam-ee/Gramp-ee's for dinner last week, playing in the bouncer, swinging in the swing, playing with big brother, LOTS of books with Cade, playing in back yard (on the few cloudy days), and our 2 week doc apt today! Stats from her apt are below, she is one petite angel (despite what she looked like while in Mommy's belly).
2 week stats for Caelin:
Weight = 7lbs, 10 oz. (26%)
Length = 20 inches (36%)
Head Circumference = 14.2 inches
Mommy and Daddy have also managed to not only get sleep, but still have movie nights, snuggle in bed watching TV, go to Starbucks for treats (even if in the drive thru), and our first "dinner date"/outing with Caelin to Lupe Tortillas. I must say, this segment of our marriage has been one of the most exciting. This is where I notice EVEN MORE what kind of a loving and wonderful father Charles is. I have so many favorite memories with Charles, but there is nothing like the times when I see him loving on our kids.
Thank you God for the beautiful past two weeks. The miracle of life ad all the beauty that has come with Caelin, Cade, and being a family...your love is so great.
Colossians 1:9-10 "So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better."

2 week stats for Caelin:
Weight = 7lbs, 10 oz. (26%)
Length = 20 inches (36%)
Head Circumference = 14.2 inches
Mommy and Daddy have also managed to not only get sleep, but still have movie nights, snuggle in bed watching TV, go to Starbucks for treats (even if in the drive thru), and our first "dinner date"/outing with Caelin to Lupe Tortillas. I must say, this segment of our marriage has been one of the most exciting. This is where I notice EVEN MORE what kind of a loving and wonderful father Charles is. I have so many favorite memories with Charles, but there is nothing like the times when I see him loving on our kids.
Thank you God for the beautiful past two weeks. The miracle of life ad all the beauty that has come with Caelin, Cade, and being a family...your love is so great.
Colossians 1:9-10 "So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better."
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