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Friday, July 29, 2011

The infamous, Chuck-E-Cheese

I know we must be crazy, but one of the things on our "fun List of to-do's" for Cade was Chuck-E-Cheese's. Yes, you heard me right...Chuck-E-Cheese. We printed coupons online and headed out with both kids for lunch and excitement. What we thought would be 1-2 hours was 3.5 hours of endless fun. We ate lunch, all had drinks and got 100 tokens for only $32 with tax. I call that a pretty good deal! Cade LOVED all the rides, especially the cars and monster trucks...basically anything that moves and he can climb in! This left Charles and I with TONS of tokens as Cade was not in to the Ski-ball or other games. I did try ski-ball with Cade, but found out that was not such a good idea when he CHUNKED the ball about 5 lanes down and yelled "TOUCHDOWN"! My kid has quite an for the safety of everyone (and the glass windows nearby), we did not attempt ski-ball further. We did have a blast though and decided it was not as bad as we originally thought it was gonna be. We enjoyed watching Cade laugh and run around. Nothing is better than family time.

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