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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome Caelin Roe

Welcome Caelin Roe!!

The journey of waiting is over! A week ago today, on Sunday, July 3rd we welcomed another miracle...Caelin Roe. The day started as any other with us going to church. We ate the infamous chicken spaghetti for lunch (a tradition in the Hall/LeCour Family to put you in labor!) around 1:30pm. Starting at 2:30pm I began to feel tightening in my stomach. Not pain, just tightening. After a few hours, we decided to go to the hospital because although I was not in pain, I remember that feeling with Cade and it wound up that I was in labor! So, around 6:00pm, we went to the hospital and found out that my contractions were 3-5 minutes apart. Let me stop here and say PRAISE GOD that my tummy was numb AGAIN and I have yet to feel "labor pains" after 2 kids! HOWEVER, I do have the luxury of pains from 2 don't get too mad at me. Anyway, the C-section took place at 9:30pm that night and Caelin's official delivery time was 9:33pm. Her Apgar's were 9 and 9. She weighed in at 7lbs, 9 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. Everything went great, no complications at all and she is just beautiful. I posted lots of pictures below from the hospital stay.

When Cade first met Caelin, she was "holding" a Spider Man pez dispenser for him. So, he immediately fell in love with her. We tried to refill it each time he came to visit and have her holding it. It was so cute to hear him say "Thank you Caelin" with a huge smile on his face! He continues to give her kisses all the time and talks to her. Cade has such a sweet heart and I am so proud of his welcoming attitude. He does think it is funny if she cries or has a poopy diaper...hhmmmmm....not so funny to Mom and Dad. Cade also got to put his hand prints on the wall in the hospital as a big brother. He liked the painting part of course and picked green as his color.

After a 3 night stay, we were able to come home on that Wednesday, July 6th. We were so excited to start our life at home with both kids. Nana/Papa, Gam-ee, and Cade were all there. It was exciting to pack up everything and GO HOME! Of course, by the time we got home to take pictures in front of the house, Cade was tired and fussy. So, we didn't get a real good pic of us as a family in front of our house.

As the week has gone on, we have adjusted to life with Caelin. She has been such an easy baby and a GREAT sleeper at that! We are so blessed. She continues to amaze us with her beauty and got her eating skills after her Mother. You would think eating is her hobby! She loves to be swaddled and having her pacifier. We hardly ever hear her crying and she will even smile a few times each day already. We just love her personality already!

God has truly blessed our family again beyond words. It is hard to describe my feelings as I welcome a second miracle. I think of the numerous doctors who said it would never happen, all my tears of sadness and the prayers of hope I said every night. And now, here we are. Prayers answered and blessed more than what I could have ever imagined. Thanks be to God who is our true provider.

-Psalm 37:4 Delight yourselves in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart.


Lindsay said...

Such a sweet story and beautiful pictures! I'm so happy for your precious family. Caelin is beautiful!! And what a wonderful testimony of God's grace. :) Oh, and I might be asking you for some of that spaghetti come November. :) Congrats again!!!

Jaime said...

What fun pictures! I LOVE the one of y'all all holding hands. And when Cade is in the bassinet...too funny!! Can't wait to meet Caelin!

Aunt Donna said...

Hi! Congrat's on the beeeeutiful little girl. I sure enjoyed the pictures and will be looking for more soon. She's just precious and a true miracle! I WANNA HOLD HER TOO! Enjoy the best time of your life, truly.

Aunt Donna

Meghan and John said...

Congratulations Hall family! She is beautiful!

M & M said...

Yeah! Congratulations! And, yes, thank you, Lord!!!