Cade had a special surprise this past weekend! While Mommy, Daddy and Caelin were at home recuperating...Cade got to go to the CIRCUS! Gam-ee and Gramp-ee treated him to a special day with them. I wish I could have seen the look on his face with all the excitement, but I couldn't be happier that he got to experience this with his Grandparents...just the 3 of them. Some of my best early memories were with my Grandparents and I know how special they are to me (Playing in the motor home with Grandma and Grandpa Parks and going to the "Big M" with Gangaw). Anyway, I think the pictures below show what a blast they had. I especially love the picture of him in "awe" during the show. They were able to see lots of animals, eat cotton candy, dress up in circus clothes, meet some of the performers, watch an elephant paint, and SO MUCH more. Not to mention, Cade came home with lots of souveniers such as hat, clown nose, program book, and motorcycle man (just to name a few). Thank you Gam-ee and Gramp-ee for taking him to the "Greatest Show on Earth!"

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