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Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy 6th BD Caelin!

Today it happened.  Our sweet angel turned 6 years old.  Since the day she was born, she has been a light to our world.  She completes our family, makes us giggle quite often, and has a spirit that just enjoys life.  She believes the glass is always half full, comforts others in times of need, and loves ALL THINGS girls (clothes, Barbies, hair/jewelry accessories, etc)!  It is cliché, but feels like we just brought her home yesterday.  I look back on her accomplishments this year, and I just get tears.  She has worked so hard in school and grown as a lady with manners (most of the time, ha).  We simply could not love her anymore.  To celebrate, we ate donuts for breakfast and McDonald's for lunch (her choice of course), saw the movie Despicable Me 3 with the 2 Grandma's, and then went to family dinner at Swanny's where Nana, Gamee/Grampee, Aunt Heather/Uncle Chris/Jacob/Andrew, Nonnie/Poppie, and Stephen all joined us.  She had such a blessed day!

We are so very proud of the young lady you are becoming.  You continue to amaze us with the things you accomplish in life, and we are forever grateful that God trusted US to be your parents.  Nothing in life will ever separate our love for you.  Continue to live life helping others and making those around you smile.  You have a gift for lifting others up and thinking positively.  We have NO DOUBT that you will conquer all that life has to offer and more.  We plan to sit back and enjoy the ride watching you grow.  We have prayed for you since before we even knew you were in my belly and we promise to continue to pray over you.  May you always seek God in everything you do and know that we will always be here loving you.  Happy 6th birthday to our sweet Princess.  You are beautiful, smart, and SOOOOO important!

Love All the way around the world and back again,

Mommy and Daddy

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