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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Kolache 5K with Grampee

Caelin loves doing 5K's with Grampee and something tells me that they selected this one on purpose since they knew they would earn a Kolache afterward. Ha!  Even though she had not been feeling well, she refused to miss the run.  They got there early and briefly warmed up before getting in line.  Caelin said the run was a road race and she enjoyed passing people in the race.  After finishing, Caelin enjoyed grabbing freebies like kolaches, RedBull, snacks, and more.  Caelin scored 4th place out of 29 in her age group, and 25th out of the 321 females that ran with a time of 28:31.  Grampee also got 5th in his age group!  These two amaze us with their passion for running and I am so grateful this is something they share together.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Cade's UIL Orchestra

Gamee and I were able to sneak away and watch Cade's THS Philharmonic Orchestra perform for UIL.  They performed a total of 3 pieces on stage and then 1 piece during a sight reading portion.  Cade was 1st Chair and played perfectly for his orchestra.  The judges awarded a Sweepstakes which means their Orchestra received all perfect scores of 1. Way to go Cade and THS!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

One last goodbye

Some days are just harder than others. 10 years ago today was the last time I hugged my sweet Daddy. When I was leaving he made a point to hug me longer than normal, tell me he was proud of me, and even told me "look at me" and said "I just really love you sweetie". I remember thinking he was probably over medicated from the surgery and being silly. I did my usual dance around him to annoy him and he gave me the half smile. I drove away with the usual honking theme we do as he waved goodbye.  I never imagined that would be my last wave. However, what a great last it was. I sometimes wish I would have held on a bit longer.  But, the truth is, had I known, I would have never let go and that happy moment would have not been such a happy one. I am blessed not only to have had the best Daddy ever, but the best last moments together. Just a few days later, on March 3 I got the worst call of my life that he was slipping away.  My heart knew that my life would be vastly different moving forward.  I will always wish for one more of everything with him, but I know that feeling is just a reminder of how amazing my Daddy was. 

Daddy, I hope you are celebrating your 10 years with Jesus and singing extra loud for me.  You will always be the best Daddy and I love you.  See you one day soon.  Love, your Sweetie "3"