GAM-EE!!! During the day while we are at work, Gam-ee has slowly introduced the potty chair to Cade. In an effort not to push him, we have had it casually lying around both houses with a potty book he can ONLY read while on the potty. Since Cade loves books, he was interested to sit while reading his book! On Wednesday of this week, he actually went on the potty one time! He was just a surprised as Gam-ee and Mommy/Daddy LOVED the bragging phone calls we got at work from Gam-ee and Cade. My lil man is so smart. Of course, I thought, this probably won't continue for a while...but that was NOT true! Yesterday, Cade went 4 times on the potty!! Gam-ee had him with no pants on (yes, you will love the little hiney in the pics below. He would squirm and point to his wee-wee when he needed to go, and then they would both run to the potty! I am so impressed with my lil man. It may take a while to get fully there, but I am just so blessed we have hit the milestones we have in such a short time! Way to go Cade, we are so proud of you! You are such a smart boy!
PS- Gam-ee gets the AWARD for being so diligent and getting us this far! THANKS!

The hiney pic on the outdoor picnic table.... PRICELESS! Oh, Cade. The plans for backmail are slowly forming!
Jackson had this potty and somewhere on my blog, there is a picture of him wearing it as a hat.
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