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Friday, February 25, 2011

Klein FFA Show

This past Saturday while Nana and Papa were still in town, we took Cade to Klein's FFA show. All 4 Highschools participated in it, so it was quite large! Cade had a great time touching all the animals and making their sounds. My favorite was when he went to touch a bull on it's back and it stood up. My little man jumped and looked at the bull like he was saying, "I was JUST petting you pal!" He is so funny. I love how Cade has no fear, he will try anything (although scary for me at times) and loves to do new things. It is impressive how he remembers details for days and weeks after. The mind of a toddler is truly amazing. If you ask him, "Did you pet the sheep?" he will laugh and say yes. Nana and Papa had a great time walking around and showing Cade the animals. He was so excited he didn't know which way to go!

I feel like this somedays too!

1 comment:

Carmen Phillips said...

What an awesome idea!!!! We wanna go with fir sure next year!!! How fun! Love the pics!