Happy 18 months Cade! We thought about writing you a letter, but that just spells disaster when your Mommy is 18 weeks pregnant...too many emotions. Instead, Daddy and I have worked hard to collect everything about you and your accomplishments thus far. I will say though, that we love you more than anything and are so proud of you. You are such a positive spirit and have truly changed our lives for the better. Ok, I am stopping at that since I am already crying! Here is "All About You" at 18 months!
Mode of Transportation: Fast Walk or Run
Number of Chompers: 8 Upper and 6 Lower
Weight: 30.7 lbs (93%)
Height: 33 Inches (75%)
Words: You will attempt any word after we say, "You say ____". You have mastered or frequently say: hi, bye bye, mama, dada, night night, "luv oo", thank you, please, AMEN (with hands in air), touchdown, football, yellow, truck, cup, up, car, book, Baylor, cracker, bus, bubble, duck, shoe, and no-no.
Yummy in the Tummy: hot dogs, fruit (favorite is strawberry), ketchup or "dipping sauces", cheese sticks, crackers, cookies, milk/Gatorade, chicken, waffles, and cream of wheat
Mommy's favorite thing: When you run into my arms when you see me, or kisses (even if they are Eskimo kisses)
Daddy's favorite thing: When you smile and wave at strangers (you are VERY friendly)
Favorite Toys: BALLS and BOOKS! You prefer the real thing when it comes to balls, a play football is just not good enough. You want the official size even though it is harder to "tuck and run". You also read for about 2 hours or more every day. You will get a book off the shelf, bring it to someone, instruct them to sit down and then crawl in their lap. Your Daddy likes to say you are going to be a "student athlete". Also ranking in this list would be toy cars and blocks.
Fun, Fun, Fun: You enjoy wagon rides, going to the park (Swings and slides), pudding painting with Gam-ee, dancing, kicking/throwing balls, bubble baths, making a mess of your toys, and Tupperware.
Your Attitude: 90% of the time you are happy! We have never met a happier baby. You are also very independent, determined/stubborned, and intelligent.
Sleep Habits: You sleep 12 hours a night with Mr. Froggy and take 1 hour naps each day with Mr. Elephant.
Getting ready for school: recognizes the colors brown and yellow (more to come!), knows about 20 animals and their sounds, knows more than 20 body parts, sorts colors, puts items "in/on", puts stuff in trash on request, puts dishes in sink, will sit on your potty chair, and assists with dressing.
Random Accomplishments: Puts toys away, reads one book at a time, holds book and turns pages appropriately, opens and closes doors independently, feeds self independently with silverware (although really messy), wipes hands/mouth after eating, Prays before meals and bedtime, and brushes teeth.

Cade, you look so much like your Mommy when she was a little stinker, holy cow! You are such a light in our lives, no matter how big you get (and you're BIG! hehe), you will forever be our "Baby Cade."
So lovely! What a great way to preserve all those great moments and milestones! Cade is such a lucky little boy! Love y'all!
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