Well, here we are! 19 weeks pregnant and we had a sonogram yesterday to determine the sex!! Anyone want to guess what the pink bow means?
Looks like our perfect family will be adding a lil lady to the mix! I guess I have a lot of learning to do. We are going to need all the help we can get with bows, hair do's, princess outfits, dance lessons, boys, puberty, and did I mention a wedding? Let's just say our lives are changing again for the better!
We also decided on the name! Her name will be Caelin Roe Hall. Caelin is a name we both liked and it has a similar background which is Irish to the name Cade. In Irish it means "powerful warrior". For her middle name, Roe is a special name to me. Dolly Robena was my Grandma Watts' name. Everyone called her "Roe" (except me...to me she was "Gangaw" or "The Peach of My Heart"). If you read my blog at all, you know she was my Best Friend. We talked almost every day and I treasured every moment I heard her voice. Unfortunately she passed away when Cade was 4 weeks old. I miss her more than I could ever imagine and the pain has not yet seemed to get easier. I was more than elated to find out months ago that the C-Section for Caelin is scheduled for her Birthday. To me, that is Gangaw smiling down! So, Caelin's middle name will be Roe. If Caelin is half of what Gangaw was, she will be an amazing woman!
So, watch out everyone...Caelin Roe Hall will be here soon! Please continue to pray for health and growth during this amazing time.

We love you beautiful girl. Can't wait to meet you!
ok Jeff totally forgot to tell me this!!! oh I am so excited for yall!!
What a beautiful name!!! Love the fact that she will prob be born on Gangaw's birthday! How special!!! And that definitely looks like a girl!!! ;o)
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