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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Top 10 ways you know you are Pregnant...

10- You answer "Air Conditioning" when people ask what you are craving
9- You become out of breath just trying to get into bed (not to mention you require a stool!)
8- You start to have eratic breathing when you are putting lotion on your legs
7- You have a constant burning in your throat from indegestion
6- You consider it a good night when you only have to get up to pee 2 times
5- You consider it your workout for the day if you put on your own socks
4- You are in the bathtub and wonder if your nipples will actually touch your belly button soon
3- You become jealous of the lady in the stall next to you because she got to pee for at least 10 seconds
2- You realize your favorite panties begin to roll down in the front to accomodate the belly

AND, the number one way you know you might be pregnant.....

1- You believe stretchy elastic waistbands are cool and making a come back!


Bree said... drop something and you decide to just leave it on the floor. don't hesitate to be the first to pick up a plate at big gatherings forget what the skin under your belly button looks like forget what your belly button looked like

You are awesome! Hope that baby turns soon!

Lani said...

Perfect count down!!!

Lani said...

Perfectly true!!

Meghan and John said...

...getting off the couch takes planning and sometimes help forget what your feet look like

...rolling over in bed is a major event have cankles

Love you Stacy! Thinking of you.

Chris and Bethany said...

So True!!! Hoping Cade makes a last minute move!!!

Anonymous said...

haha i love #4!