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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Many Miletones

Both of my babies hit new milestones in the last week. It is so hard to imagine the reality of how time truly flies. It seems like just yesterday we were being discharged from the hospital with our new baby boy, now he is two and we have added Caelin to our precious family. Well, Caelin is officially two months now. Can you believe it?? TWO MONTHS OLD! She is doing so much these days! Here is what she has been up to and her milestones.

- She now weighs 10lbs, 9oz (40%), and JUST started wearing size 1 diapers this week!

- She is 23 inches tall (72%)

- She has good head control, but we are still working on our neck muscles to be steadier

- She eats 4.5 oz of Breastmilk every 3-4 hours

- At night she is sleeping 4 hours at first and then will sleep an additional 3 hours if Daddy puts her on his chest. We are still waiting for her to sleep by herself all night!

- She can coo and talk back to you. If you stick out your tongue, she will mimic you. She also cackles pretty loudly.

- She loves to kick her legs for exercise

- We are noticing that she likes to be held a lot more as she gets older and insists on being in the same room as everyone else

- Her favorite activity area is the swing and she loves to look around while in it.

- She also enjoys sitting up rather than lying on back. She loves to sit up in her car seat while we eat or fix dinner!

- She really is such a happy baby!

Cade also hit a new milestone today. He started Mother's Day Out. He goes once a week and I think the interaction with other kids will be so good for him. He has always been outgoing and enjoys playing with others. It really did break my heart to see him walking with a "Cars" backpack, fireman lunchbox, and Baylor napmat. He just seems so big already and I can't belive my newborn is now off to school. I fought back tears while Gam-ee cried under her sunglasses. Next week, Gam-ee is the one who will get the "you are gonna have so much fun/no crying talk!" Hahaha... When we got there, we had to wait in the hallway for a few others being dropped off. Cade was fine during this part, even though the other 3 children were screaming. However, as soon as he walked through the door and saw that we were not coming...he started crying. We left quickly as not to upset him more. Then Gam-ee, Caelin and I went to Chick-fil-a for breakfast and then to Charles' campus to meet everyone. It was a fun filled day, but I was so anxious to get back and pick up Cade. When we arrived to pick him up, I was pleased to see he was totally quiet still laying on his napmat. The very same napmat he REFUSED to lay on at my house...these teachers are miracle workers! They said he cried for a little while this morning and then had a great day. He ate all his lunch and took a nap! they have 5-day/week programs? Ha! After we picked him up, Gam-ee gave him a surprise (Pez dispenser) and Mommy took him to Chick-fil-a for ice cream. So, it was a great funfilled day for all.

Thank you God again for my beautiful children, husband and life. I could not be happier and have been blessed beyond words. Even if I wish sometimes time could stand still.

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