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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas with the Hall Family

This year, we will be in Round Rock on Christmas day celebrating the holidays with my side of the family. So, last night, we had the joy of celebrating with Charles' side of the family. Christopher and Heather joined in on the fun and we all gathered at Gamee/Grampee's house. We had a Mexican cuisine with tamales and taquitos, it was super yummy! Cade especially enjoyed Aunt Heather's queso and chips! After dinner, we had a blast opening gifts and watching the kids eyes light up. It really takes me back to how Christmas used to feel magical in a different way as a child. There is just something about the "belief" that has a bit more magic to it. Again, I must say that anytime people are loving on my kids, I am loving on them! So, it was the best evening ever as I watched BOTH Cade and Caelin's eyes light up! Cade's big gift was a train table and train set from Gamee/Grampee! You can see his face as he came around the corner, he was amazed! In fact, that was the one toy he stuck to all night! He also received the book "Twas the Night before Christmas" with the voice recording of Gamee/Grampee, a Magnetic toy that you can dress as a pirate/construction worker/superhero, etc, bug catcher, hooded bath towel, rideable digger, puzzle holder, and bath letters, and more! Caelin even got to open up some gifts of her own! She got a box of starter foods for these next few months when she starts rice cereals and some baby foods. Her eyes really lit up when she got a baby doll! Of course the baby doll is as big as she is, but she loves her nonetheless. She also enjoyed opening up an Eric Carle puzzle, book, hooded bath towel, and a phone that lights up and makes noise. I told you my babies are spoiled, and not by their parents! Thank you Aunt Heather, Uncle Christopher, Gamee, and Grampee!

Charles and I also were blessed with so many fun things! Our big gift was framed pics of Cade/Caelin that Gamee/Grampee had taken professionally and surprised us with! It was perfect and we loved it. We also got a new CAMERA (I know you are all cheering for better quality photos!), best buy gift card, scarf, jewelry, molds of Caelin's hands/feet, and so much more. We are so blessed!

The night was so special and we feel so blessed to have been able to still celebrate the true meaning of this time of year with Charles' family. It is hard when you are married to enjoy these special holidays with both sides of the family, but we are blessed to have such understanding relatives. What a magical evening!

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