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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Not again!

Well, another month has passed by and now I am not liking this blog post!  Today, our little princess is 11 months old.  I am having a hard time breathing in my chest thinking that the next monthly post for her will be her 1st BD!  Somehow, I just can't fight back these Mommy tears.  She has really grown this month more than any other in my opinion.  I guess cause she is really getting more engaging and creative.  She definitely can be stubborn and knows what she wants.  When Cade takes a toy from her she will now scream back at him.  This is the best to watch, cause Cade will often say, "Caelin stop fussin' that bucket"!  She is in to all her brother's toys now and Cade is reminded daily that we all have to share.  The other night, Charles told Caelin "no", and she gave him a look like, "excuse me?"...oh boy do we have some years ahead of us I fear!  99% of the time however Caelin in laid back and pretty much accustomed to going everywhere.  She likes to be in the excitement and watching everyone.  When we do grocery shopping, she is front and center as if to direct us of what to buy.  A few weeks ago, she had her first tooth start to come in.  I wanted to wait a week to blog about it so that I could get a good picture.  Well, that little tooth is still making its way and is only half way up.  Not sure where she is hiding all her other teeth, but I wish they would come in because Caelin LOVES to eat!  She is drinking about 22-25 oz of milk still daily, but also eating just about every meal with mashed foods or smaller soft foods.  Caelin will do the sign language for "more" if she wants a certain food.  She is not really a picky eater as far as we can tell.  She is fitting perfectly into 9-12 month clothes, so I believe she is still staying right at the 50%.  JUST PERFECT!  Her eyes are still staying bright blue, and I hope the color stays.  She is such a beautiful baby girl.  She finally has enough hair to put a tiny rubber band in for a ponytail on top of her head.  At night she is still sleeping a solid 11-12 hours, hip hip HOORAY!  She also takes 1-2 naps during the day.  Her favorite person is still Cade and I do not see that changing anytime soon.  She always looks for him in any room, and lights up if she hears him from another room.  In return Cade loves on her also.  He kisses her goodnight and is always concerned if she is ok.  He will even pick her up (yes, our 2 yr old is a brute!) and give her kisses.  During the day, they love being at Gamee's and playing in the pool.  Caelin does not mind being in the grass or getting dirty at all, Cade is too funny and will often run to the pool to get his feet clean.  Caelin also has learned to call the squirrels (she smacks her lips repeatedly), and whistle at the birds (she blows out her mouth really hard)!  Both of these are so hilarious!  Mumps (Caelin's Great Grandma) loved birds and I think both my children got this trait from her!  A nice reminder each day that Mumps is with us.  Caelin has fought 2 ear infections this month alone and been on 2 rounds of Amoxicillian.  She will say "mama" and "dada", but nothing else quite yet.  I am sure she is working hardest on saying "Cade".  She will also play with Baylor, but he will usually run from her as he knows those tiny hand LOVE to grab his fur!Now for the funnest milestone...she is not quite walking on her own yet, but will take 5-10 steps if holding your hands.  Just today she ALMOST took a step, then looked at me, smiled, shook her booty, and then sat down.  Little STINKER!  So, I am sure I will be crying again soon because of that!  So, it was a fabulous month for Caelin and we look forward to this final month before she turns a year old.  We love you Caelin Roe!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

She's just adorable! I subbed in her nursery class today. She's so good and sweet. At one point, she crawled across the room like she was on a mission, pulled right up on her carrier, grabbed her paci and kept on going about her business. She knew what she wanted. :) Precious girl. I agree - it flies WAY faster the second time!