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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Caelin's 1st Day of School!

Even though Caelin goes to childcare at the church on other days, today was her first day of SCHOOL (MDO).  She has been so excited getting boxes on the porch to open with her backpack, lunchbox, and nap-mat.  She loves to just rip everything out of the box and squeals when she sees them!  She has even worn her backpack around the house and says "owl" when looking for it.  She has quite the language skills.  So, last night her nap-mat arrived and we had fun trying it out and "pretending to sleep".  She was so funny and when finished helped roll it up and threw it over her shoulder.  She also helped pack her lunch and Cade's for school tomorrow.  Then, I started to pack an extra set of clothes and such in her backpack and she decided to help with that also.  What a helper...although I did take out the purse and 2 sets of shoes she packed when she wasn't looking!  This morning when she woke up, she immediately said "owl" and knew today was the big day.  At school she wore her own backpack and carried her lunch the whole way.  Even knew where to put her lunch when we got there.  Before walking in the room, she gave me a kiss and then walked right in and started playing.  She is just such a big girl.  I of course cried a little inside and then balled when I got to my car.  Not sure if it is the realization of my babies growing up, their level of independence, or just the amount of love I have for them.  It is just hard to believe we are where we are.  Regardless, they are happy tears and I am one proud Mama!

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