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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Zany Zoo Day

Today we ventured to the Houston Zoo!  It was a blast once we conquered the parking situation.  We met up with 4 other families in our Sunday School class and wound up running into 5 other families we knew.  So, it felt like a small world today at the Zoo.  It was a great time with friends, and I love watching the faces of Cade/Caelin and their wonder at some of the animals.  The biggest hits of the day were the Chimpanzee's, Elephants, and Cats (leopard, lion, tigers, etc).  The cats were all sleeping mostly way up high in cages on ledges, so it took us a while to find them at times.  The Chimpanzee's also came and sat next to Cade while he was at the window, and he thought that was awesome.  He was staring at their hands and feet and said "they look just like mine!"...and he was right!  They also had a 4D Sponge Bob Movie which was a hit around 2pm when we were all tuckered out and needing a break from the sun.  I asked Cade what his favorite part of the day was and it was definitely the Sponge Bob Movie.  When I asked Caelin, she said "all the babies".  I am assuming she means the baby giraffe and elephant.  Thank you Lord for the perfect weather today and the special time with friends and family!

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