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Friday, December 8, 2017

Snow in Tomball!

We could not believe our eyes around 1am this morning when we saw it snowing outside.  The snow was coming down pretty good and actually sticking.  What a sight to see the house all white.  Charles does not remember it ever snowing and sticking in Houston ever.  Charles made snowballs and we tried waking up the kids.  Cade was half asleep, but when we handed him the snowball, he promptly threw it back at Daddy's face.  Then said, "cool" and asked to go back to bed.  Caelin never left the door frame.  Through half opened eyes she took the snowball and threw it down right in front of her on the porch.  Then shuffled herself back to bed.  I guess it was not that exciting in the middle of the night!  This morning when we got up the snow was still there and the kids were MUCH more excited.  Including a snowball fight before leaving for school!

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