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Monday, September 14, 2009

A new angel in Heaven

So, I have intended to post about this last week, but to be honest, everytime I tried...I had to stop due to all the tears. A week ago today around 8:45pm, a very special angel went to heaven. Her name was Grandma. There are very few people who touch your life in such a way that you know you will never be the same. For me, my Grandma was one of those people. She fought a very courageous battle of lung cancer and I am happy that she is now with our Lord and Savior. Although, I would still give anything to hug her one last time, or have her hold Cade. This post could go on forever with memories, but here are some of my fondest.

1- Every Birthday, I got a card and a McDonald's giftcard. Not to mention she would call and sing "Happy Birthday" to me around 6am.

2- Every letter I ever got from her had a stick of gum in it (complete with my name written on case someone tried to take it!).

3- When a driver passed us speeding, she would say, "Go ahead and just tell them were coming!"

4- We would have to leave excessively early for EVERY event and she would say, "I'd rather be an hour early than a minute too late."

5- We would talk every first day of school, including this last year even though I was on Maternity Leave! So, I have spoken to her for 23 years. When I was going to school, she would say, "This year will make you even smarter!". When I started working in schools, she would say, "This is just one day closer to retirement!"

6- She called me "The Apple of her Eye" ever since I was little. So, when I was 5 I nicknamed her "The Peach of my Heart". These names stuck, and that was still what I called her every time we talked.

7- Finally, my favorite memory was talking to her every Monday morning on my way to work. This was a time we knew we would get to talk for sure, and she always picked up when I called.

Since the tears are really flowing now (I hope the pain of losing her gets easier with time!), I will just leave you with some pictures. She was my role model and I love her still so much.

I am a better person because of you Grandma, and you will always be "The Peach of My Heart".

Grandma and I overlooking where she grew up in Spur, TX

Grandma and I Geocaching

Grandma with her Grandkids at Christmas 2007

Kickin' up her heels!

Christmas Morning 2007

Thanksgiving 2008 with more cousins
Walking in a park in Lubbock, February 2008

"The Peach of my Heart"


April said...

I have been thinking about you this week. I know it's been rough lately. Matt and I are praying for you and your family. I love my grandma and am not looking forward to the day she isn't here anymore. God will heal your hurt heart. Keep lovin' on that little boy too, that always helps! We love you guys!

Mendy said...

Grandma will always be with us, she is not gone. We just have to wait awhile to hug and kiss her again.... Cade and Mackenzie will grow up not only knowing their Great Grandma as we did, but loving her as well. We have lots of memories and stories to pass down! Love you Sis, Mendy

Mike and Suzi :) said...

We love you so much!!!

M & M said...

Thinking of you!

Rachel said...


I don't know if you remember me or not...I was a Dragonette with Mendy (Rachel Lobley). I saw your blog link on hers. I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I lost my grandmother, a woman who I was incredibly close to, 2 years ago this November. I can tell you that the pain will ease. For me though, the tears still come when I talk about her (I'm tearing up as I type this)...but I wouldn't want it any other way because it only means that her impact on my life was so great that I will never stop missing her. I will cherish my time and memories with her for the rest of my life. The love you get from a grandmother is like no other. I pray that you will find comfort in your pain...that when you are grieving, when you hurt, when you miss her you'll remember how great the love was that you two shared and know that you could only feel that much af an emotion for someone who meant that much to you. God bless you and your family!!!

shalonda said...

awwww stacy many prayer and hugs for your family....i adore her spunk and the pics of it from Christmas 07, lol!

My Kai Love said...

Thank you for leaving these wonderful memories. The pain does settle down and the memories don't go away. I do still get a tear when I tell a story about my Grandpa whom I was just as close with. Love & Kisses in this sad time...

Unknown said...


I remember you talking about your grandma and your regular phone conversations. I am so very sorry for your loss and wish I could hug you and wipe your tears! Mendy was right - the stories you tell about her will keep her alive in your heart and Cade's - he will grow up thinking he knew her personally. I love you and will pray for you during this time.

Anonymous said...

Reading this almost made me cry too. Stacy you are truly blessed to have been able to know your grandma both during your childhood and adulthood.
Hang on to these wonderful memories! I often think about all of the time that I got to spend with my grandparents. I only wish that we could have been together longer. I truly believe that they are looking down upon me, and your grandma is looking down upon you too!