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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quite a busy few days!

These last few days have been busy cramming in all the holiday fun one family could possibly have! Since Charles and I are out for Christmas break, we have planned something fun to do each day with Cade. So, we have been a busy lil family and it's only Tuesday!! Here are some pics from the last few days...stay tuned for more pics and Christmas fun!
Family Pic in The Woodlands, TX
Gam-ee and Gramp-ee with Cade
Cade and Santa hangin' out...after a few moments he started "high fiving" and giving Santa "bumps"...such a little ham! Of course we only caught the serious side!
One lil guy checking out another lil guy
Giving Mommy kisses...I gotta admit, I love these! Even if the slobber is a mix of bananas and Gingersnaps!
I love my Daddy!
Decorating our family tree with ornaments. The unbreakable ones were all placed by Cade on the lower branches, then Mommy/Daddy placed the rest up HIGH on the tree!
Cade helping clean up an ornament that met an untimely death by Cade. FYI: if you have a child that LOVES balls and throws them all the time, steer clear of handing him a "Christmas ball" their eyes, they are one in the same and will get thrown across the kitchen!
Placing the Angel on the tree
This year's Featured ornaments! Ranking close to the nuts I painted when I was two comes these ornaments. Charles made his in the 1st grade, and I made the snowflake in the 3rd grade. I think it's funny to hang our "wedding bell" ornaments above them.
Our family stockings
Here is my favorite Christmas Decoration of the year!! It is a handmade Christmas card holder from Grandma Parks. I remember this hanging in my Grandma's house every year with cards. Now, I proudly get to display it in my house!
Another favorite I highlight almost every year is the angel on our smaller tree. The tree contains all our Baylor University, Football, and Alpha Chi Omega ornaments. This angel was my Mom and Dad's first Angel when they got married. I love her cardboard center and how her yellow wings are more north/south rather than east/west.
Here is one of our Countdown you can see, we finished putting up our Christmas decor with one week to spare! Whew! We have to be better next year!
Another adventure was taking Cade to see the Prestonwood Lights! Daddy drove us around in the truck while Gam-ee, Gramp-ee, Cade, and I snuggled among dozens of blankets in the bed and drank hot chocolate. It was fun to watch Cade's face and hear his imitations of all the animal noises. He seemed to love the lights and waving to everyone as we passed all the other cars.
Snuggled up in Gam-ee's arms
And what would be Christmas in Texas if you didn't play in the sprinkler in 80 degree weather?! We did start out fully clothed, then slowly lost one article at a time until this is what was left!
Mr. wetness playing on his slide
Please do not try this at home...he is a trained professional (and promised Mommy he would NEVER do this again!)
My favorite way to go down the slide...hey, better than face first which used to be our favorite!
Feeding the ducks after Church (bread and Cade's hand)
What a bunch of quacks
And, finally, Mom and Dad got a special date night this week. Gam-ee/Gramp-ee kept Cade over night and we were able to go celebrate my belated BD and our second baby! We went to our favorite restaurant, The Melting Pot, and then a movie! We saw the late show of "The Fighter" with Mark Whalberg. It was a great movie based on a true story of a boxer, we both enjoyed it and I highly recommend it!

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