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Sunday, July 31, 2011

First day of Church/1 Month Old

Today was Caelin's first day at Church. Sweet little girl did great. At one point, the Pastor got a little wild and everyone started clapping and standing (we are in the middle of a GREAT series called "Religion in America"). We glanced over at Caelin who had a startled look on her face and arms outstretched as if to say, "HEELLLLOOO people, some of us are trying to sleep!" We just laughed. Also, happy 4 weeks/1 month Caelin, we love you! You are still sleeping 3-4 hours at night and drink 4oz of milk every 3-3.5 hours. You are such a happy little girl who is starting to look around a lot more. Your eyes are still a gray blue and we love it when you open them real wide to look at us. You enjoy being cuddled and could sleep all day if help in someone's arms. You also enjoy when Daddy walks you back and forth and makes you do crazy dance moves. Cade is still in love with you and kisses you all the time. He says, "Night night Caelin, see you in morning", "wake up Caelin, time to play with He-man", "take a nap Caelin", and "Caelin stop crying they coming"! We love you Caelin Roe!


Mendy said...

Oh, Caelin, you are soooo tiny! I love you so much! Can't wait to hold my little sweetie!

Meghan and John said...

She is really cute Stacy! So happy for your family.

Mike and Suzi :) said...

You look good! Wish I had known you were there so I could hug you!