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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family Reunion and Caelin's 1st trip to Round Rock

This past weekend was Charles' family reunion in Fredericksburg, TX. We go here just about every year and it was fun to get away and see everyone. We left after Charles got off Friday evening and drove to Round Rock to stay the night (and break up the drive with an infant). Cade had ridden with Gam-ee and Gramp-ee to Fredericksburg early Friday morning in order to spend more time and meet the family. On Saturday morning, Charles, Caelin and I got up and drove into Fredericksburg. The day was filled with the usual visiting, eating, doing puzzles, shopping, and of course eating peach ice cream! Everyone was so excited to meet Caelin and she did so well being passed around to so many people. Cade had fun playing with his Cousins and running around the meeting room. Saturday night we had a family dinner catered by Cranky Frank's BBQ followed by an amazing Church service led by Charles' brother, Uncle Christopher. It was a busy and fun day rolled into one.

On Sunday morning, we got up early and all drove to Round Rock to spend the day with my family. This was Caelin's first trip to Round Rock, so it was the first time Mackenzie and Jaxson (her Cousins) got to meet her as well as Uncle Chris. We spent the day visiting, watching the kids destroy Nana/Papa's house, and swimming/tractor rides. If you have never experienced a house with 3 kids under 2, you are missing out! At one point, my sis and I just started laughing as we realized chasing kids with the camera was not really working. Let me set the pic for you... Mackenzie (4yrs) running from Cade around the house screaming, Cade (23mo.) running after her yelling "Kung Fu Panda", Jaxson (8mo) crying for his Daddy, Baylor (the dog) running after the kids trying to lick them, Nana watching with wide eyes saying, "Slow down kids", Caelin (1mo.) sleeping through it all, and Papa turning his hearing aides off. Let's just say, I think it was time to get them all outside in the pool! It was such a blast. I can't wait till Christmas when the kids will all be a bit older and even more active. Amidst the chaos, there was beauty as I realized the PURE BLESSINGS that kids are.

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