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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tball Season Ends

I must admit, at the beginning of the season, Cade was not into Tball that much and I was skeptical we would be able to convince him to play and run the entire season.  We were pleased to see that it grew on him!  He came to love weekly practices and his games.  He even asked me every night this week if he had Tball the next day!  I am proud of him for finding something he likes, and also for being a good team player.  Sure, we had our moments of crying and throwing our glove, but in the end, we learned "there is NO CRYING in Tball".  Congratulation Cade on your first Season of sports with an organized team.  You learned so much!  We love you remember to be "baseball ready" when you play next year!

I also have to congratulate Charles on a great coaching job!  He stepped right in, corralled those cats, I mean kids, and off we went!  The team knew baseball stance, all learned to hit the ball, knew where to run, and even where to throw the ball!  Good job Coach, we are proud of you too!

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