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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Celebrating Caelin and girl time!

While the boys were at Carolina Christian Camp this week, we had a great girls week!  As soon as the buses left, we hit Starbucks so she could try the promotional tie-dye frappucino before going to a Pound workout class. The evening was filled with dominoes pizza and the movie, 48 Christmas Wishes. Saturday we did yoga in the morning and then waited for Gamee to come over for a day of shopping and a slumber party.  Storms blew in around lunch, so we got a late start shopping while we waited for the storms to pass.  But, that didn't slow us down as we went to Chick fil a, Target, Bath and Body Works, Children's place, Old Navy, and Justice. Before we knew it, it was 9pm and we were eating dinner at Red Robin. When we got home for the sleepover, Caelin and Gamee stayed up drawing together until Midnight. It was a great day with great company! The next day was filled with doctor apts, cleaning house, and another evening of games and ice cream sundaes with Gamee. We made so many sweet memories with Gamee and snuggling at night. We cannot wait for the boys to come home, but we sure made the most of out of our girl time!

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