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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Bear's Entropion Surgery

Since he was diagnosed with this rare autoimmune disorder called UDS (VKH in humans), we have struggled to keep eyes and skin on track. Medications often have bad side affects causing more surgeries and we sometimes feel like we are playing a game of "whack-a-mole". Regardless, we will never give up on our baby. Since this illness attacks his soft tissue cells which includes skin and eyes, he has already lost permanent vision in his right eye and now has to have surgery on his left eye for severe entropion (eye lid turns in toward eye causing complications). He has certainly had a lot to deal with in his 4 years of life! Bear completed his entropion surgery with great success! The staff kept telling me what a sweet boy he is and how cooperative he was. He did not smile for them, but I told them maybe after he gets to know them and they do not have needles in their hands he might smile at them. The Doc did have to remove twice as much of the lower eyelid as they expected, so he has more than 10 stitches. Not to worry though as he is getting spoiled and is resting at the moment. We have a total of 7 medications and 4 different drops including his normal meds, so we are running a small pharmacy over here. Ha! He will wear his cone until his post op visit on April 5th to get stitches out. We are praying this helps with the drainage and infections for that eye. I know Bear may not like wearing a cone for 2 weeks, but no doubt he will love all the extra spoiling he is gonna get!

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