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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bear Update

 About a month ago on April 21st, we took Bear in to see Dr. Eslick due to lethargy, rapid weight loss, darkened urine, decreased appetite and black tar like diarrhea.  When we had called Dr. Osborn (dermatologist), she recommended we see our regular vet to get rapid tests for blood work.  We are so glad we did.  The blood work showed that Bear had liver failure, jaundice (eyes/gums), and elevated blood sugars.  We were devastated, but my heart had a sense of peace that it was all going to be ok.  We started Bear on a new liver and antibiotic medications, received fluid injections and began praying. Thankfully, during the last month, his eyes were stable and the entropion surgery has healed well.  Fast forward to today, and his bloodwork came back all normal with no elevated blood counts!  Doc feels like there may have been a small infection in the ducts of the liver (GGT) that caused an infection for the liver.  Praise God for answering our prayers and this was not something else.  Bear's diagnosis of Uveodermatological Syndrome (UDS or VKH in humans) continues to keep up on our toes...but we are always here for our furry baby.   

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